7 Healthy Habits

There has never been a better time to take stock of your life than right now. This moment is the beginning of the New Year. It is the beginning of resolutions to lose fat and get fit. However, 2006 promises to be another year that we grow fatter and unhealthier. Use these 7 healthy habits to go against the tide and create a vibrant year.

Habit 1- Eat Regularly. Eat small meals every 3-4 hours. Skipping meals can lead to unstable blood sugar levels which can cause fatigue or restlessness. Eating throughout the day causes stable moods and a healthier metabolism.

Habit 2- Eat Lightly. Each meal should contain a complex carbohydrate and a lean protein. Keep high fat foods or salty snacks out of the pantry. Once sugar and salt are kept to a minimum, the body begins to heal and crave fresh, healthy foods.

Habit 3- Do Not Smoke. There is not one positive fact on smoking. Cigarettes cause the human body to deteriorate at ridiculous levels. Quitting smoking is the number one way to improve health drastically. Also be aware of second hand smoke. It can be just as harmful.

Habit 4- Consume Alcohol in Moderation. A bottle of beer or glass of wine each day is realistic. However, drinking more than three servings daily is a bit much and puts the body at risk. Moderation is certainly important.

Habit 5- Sleep 7-9 Hours Each Night. Deep, peaceful sleep rejuvenates the body. It relaxes the mind and replenishes the soul. Irregular sleeping patterns can lead to mood swings and poor nutrition. The trick is to receive 7-9 hours of sleep each night as opposed to a few nights out of the week.

Habit 6- Exercise Regularly. Get active and promote health and fitness by participating in a fitness program. Combine cardio, strength training and stretching for a balanced approach. Learning how to strengthen the body will improve mood and sleep patterns.

Habit 7- Consult With the Professionals. Tackling each of the above habits can be a nightmare. That is why habit ! 7 is the most important habit of all. Consulting with a nutritionist or personal trainer can be motivating as well as insightful. The best way to trim the fat and get in shape is to follow the advice of industry professionals.

2006 does not have to be the same as last year. The promise of a better life is in reach. Fueling the body with healthy habits will create a happier and healthier world. Eat regularly and lightly, do not smoke or drink a lot of alcohol, sleep and exercise consistently and ask your personal trainer or nutritionist the best way to stay fit.

A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Melt the Fat & Gain a Life is a viable alternative for those without the income or desire to meet with a trainer or nutritionist. This interactive guide comes complete with over 200 exercise photos, over 160 daily meal by meal menus, over 60 secrets to motivation and tons more. It provides a jump start for weight loss seekers and those looking to get healthy and fit in 2006.

Copyright 2005 strength-training-woman.com

To learn more about the Melt the Fat Program, please visit http://melt-the-fat.com. Lynn VanDyke is an elite fitness trainer and sports nutritionist dedicated to helping you achieve your fat loss goals in 2006.


Is Vitamin E Lethal?

Recently the news carried the story that a researcher had discovered that taking vitamin E at a level of 400IU or more increases the risk of death. (Jan 2005, Annals of Internal Medicine) I was immediately suspicious because I have studied the scientific literature on vitamin E for over two decades and have come to the exact opposite conclusion. Hundreds of studies have shown the beneficial effects of vitamin E on numerous modern diseases including cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer?s, claudication, arthritis, fibrocystic breast disease, epilepsy, infertility, intelligence?you name it. This evidence comes from carefully controlled clinical trials and meta-nalyses and is published in peer-reviewed publications. So what gives with this new ?scoop?? Why did it receive the headlines while all the other studies aren?t?

Actually this new information is not new at all. The researcher merely investigated mortality statistics from existing studies and came to a conclusion that people should not take 400IUs of vitamin E (exactly what I have been taking for years and recommending to others) or they may die. In effect he wrote an editorial on other people?s work. That is not science.

Although the writer conceded his conclusions may only apply to those who are already seriously ill and not to healthy people, that is the only balance given in the article. He examined 19 different vitamin E studies performed by others including almost 140,000 people. Surely it would seem statistical meaning would emerge out of that. But as science (and life) always goes, the truth is in the details?details too often left out.

For example in one of the 19 studies, large doses of zinc were also given and this can create a copper deficiency which can lead to heart and other diseases. Although a copper supplement was given, it was in the form of cupric oxide, which is poorly absorbed in the gut.

In another of the studies the group being given the vitamin E were much sicker to begin with, including larger numbers of! smokers and higher numbers of those with coronary artery disease and high blood pressure. Of course there will be greater mortality in such a group, but it would have nothing to do with the vitamin E they were taking.

Another study was skewed by the fact that participants were also taking a synthetic form of beta-carotene, which has been linked to increased lung cancer and liver damage. You can?t give vitamin E and synthetic beta-carotene to a group and blame mortality on vitamin E!

Finally, not one of the studies used the natural form of vitamin E. Vitamin E is a mixture of tocopherols: alpha, beta, gamma and delta. But only alpha- tocopheral was used. Not only that, but the synthetic isomeric form, D, L-alpha tocopherol was used in many of the studies. Natural vitamin E exists in only the D isomeric form. The synthetic L form is not produced in nature and may even interfere with the benefits of the natural D form.

The gamma-tocopherol has many proven life-lengthening and disease preventing benefits but when high levels of alpha-tocopherol are consumed these benefits may be cancelled by a kind of biochemical interference. Therefore, whatever gamma-tocopherol was being consumed in the diet may have been cancelled out by the supplements in the study.

When one is done looking at the details behind the headlines there remains no basis for suggesting that high levels of natural vitamin E are dangerous, but rather, when considering the entire body of scientific evidence, there is significant reason for believing exactly the opposite! So much for headlines.

Perhaps more important than the misleading nature of the story is the reason why it would receive top billing. News organizations seem to be fiendishly rubbing their hands together just waiting for any little tidbit that could debunk the value of supplements or a natural approach to health. (They receive huge advertising dollars from the pharmaceutical and other medical industries.) Of course the medical community is right there ready! to pile on as well. They have a vested interest in maintaining the popular mindset that disease is just one of those things that happen, that people are victims of disease, and doctors are needed for repair. The notion that supplements, food, and lifestyle can prevent or cure disease threatens their grip and profitability.

Never mind that modern health care is the greatest threat to life and health, killing more people than any other cause. (Wysong e-Health Letter: June 19, 2002) That?s not worthy of news, but scaring people away from supplements based upon a flawed study is. We do not live in a rational world.

Is vitamin E supplementation necessary? No, not if you are eating a varied diet of raw, organic, natural foods, living out of doors, exercising daily and are not subject to any workplace or other environmental pollutants. If that is not how you are living, then 400IU of a natural vitamin E tocopherol mix is a very good idea. It is logical since it replaces what would be present in a natural raw diet and helps offset modern toxins, pollutants and stresses. It is also supported by a mountain of good scientific research.

Dr. Wysong is a former veterinary clinician and surgeon, college instructor in human anatomy, physiology and the origin of life, inventor of numerous medical, surgical, nutritional, athletic and fitness products and devices, research director for the present company by his name and founder of the philanthropic Wysong Institute. He is author of The Creation-Evolution Controversy now in its eleventh printing, a new two volume set on philosophy for living, several books on nutrition, prevention and health for people and animals and over 15 years of monthly health newsletters. He may be contacted at Wysong@Wysong.net and a free subscription to his e-Health Letter is available at http://www.wysong.net


Dilantin: Know Its Side Effects

I've noticed that doctors on TV medical dramas, when faced with a seizing patient, cry out for the reliable standby drug Dilantin.

Also known as phenytoin, Dilantin has relieved seizures in patients for the past sixty years and counting.

But, like most prescription medications, Dilantin has its share of nasty side effects.

If you have recently been prescribed this drug then you need to read on to know what you're in for.

I'm not knocking Dilantin. I've been using it for nearly twenty years to control my seizures. But, like the Boy Scouts say, be prepared.

Common side effects of this seizure medication include clumsiness, double vision, slurred speech, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting (ironically the same side effects felt after a seizure).

These side effects occur mostly when you begin taking the drug. Your body needs time to adjust to the medication.

Even now I have bouts of dizziness, clumsiness, double vision, and slurred speech.

Occasionally, Dilantin causes a liver disorder. If your skin appears yellow, you have a rash, your appetite no longer exists, and you frequently feel tired then see your doctor immediately.

If you have ever had liver disease be sure to tell your doctor before you start taking Dilantin. You may not be able to use this seizure medication.

Low blood pressure is another possible side effect. I mean 'the feeling ice cold while shaking uncontrollably until you pass out' kind of low blood pressure.

This happened to me once. I actually felt my blood pressure drop. I should have gone to a hospital. But, like most people, I stubbornly refused. But I suffered a long hellish two hours before my blood pressure rose again. I was lucky.

Dilantin can also cause excessive facial hair growth, which is not great if you happen to be a woman.

Be prepared to improve your dental hygiene. Dilantin often causes the gums to swell and bleed. Break out the dental floss and start using it every day. Your dentist will insis! t on it.

If you are a woman planning to have children, and you're using Dilantin, then be aware there is a small chance for congenital malformations. This risk increases if you are taking more than one anti-seizure drug.

Now, the FDA has rated Dilantin a category 'C' drug, which means the FDA isn't sure whether or not this drug causes birth defects.

But why take a chance? Talk to your doctor.

For you diabetics, Dilantin may increase your blood sugar. Be extra careful while monitoring your blood sugar levels.

You cannot drink alcohol while using this medication. No 'But what if's'! The beers you chug with your best buddy will react with the medication by either putting you into a deep sedation or it will cause you to have a seizure.

I found this out the hard way, only I was awake during the seizure. You don't want to be awake during a grand mal seizure! Being unconscious is the epileptic's friend, believe me.

Avoid sleeping pills, aspirin, and heartburn medications. These drugs combined with Dilantin can bring on a seizure.

I drink a cup of chamomile tea before bedtime. I use ibuprofren for headaches. I don't need to use any heartburn medications (knock on wood).

These are only a few of the medications you need to avoid while on Dilantin. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before you take any medications, including herbal supplements.

You will need to increase your intake of vitamin 'D', vitamins 'B6'and 'B12', your calcium intake, as well as iron and folic acid. Dilantin decreases all of these supplements in your body.

Don't let this information scare you. You hear scarier side effects caused by other prescription drugs on those TV commercials.

Dilantin is cheap and it works. The side effects are regrettable, but nothing in life is perfect.

I can function normally because Dilantin has tamed my rebellious brain. Its side effects have become a minor inconvenience easily lived with.

Talk to your doctor if you have questions concern! ing this or any other epilepsy medication. If your doctor speaks in 'medicalese'insist he or she speak in plain English.

For more information on this and other epilepsy medications visit the American Epilepsy Society online.

Epilepsy can be frightening. But Dilantin can tame the beast.

Jenny Harker is an experienced writer, gardener, and seasoned epileptic.

Copyright Jenny Harker 2005


Sea Silver for Health

Sea Silver is a completely natural, plant-based supplement, which undergoes proprietary processing techniques to ensure optimal absorption at the cellular level. As you probably know, a supplement is only good if it can be assimilated by the body and put to good use. Sea Silver is designed based on this premise, and therefore the body readily absorbs all the nutrients in this supplement.

Sea Silver is a supplement that was created to balance the body chemistry, cleanse vital organs, purify blood and the lymphatic system, as well as nourish the body at the cellular level, protect tissues and cells from toxins, and boost the immune system. This amazing supplement also brings more oxygen to the cells, which is a necessity for good health. As you can see, this one supplement has a lot of tasks to accomplish, which it manages to do quite well.

Sea Silver is taken in liquid form, which means that the body does not have to work as hard to break down the nutrients. This means that roughly 95-98 percent of the nutrients in Sea Silver are readily absorbed into the bloodstream, where they can immediately go to work at cleansing and protecting the cells and tissues throughout the body. This natural supplement is safe to take with other medications and/or vitamins, and it does not have any known reported side effects.

Sea Silver Ingredients

Sea Silver contains many beneficial ingredients, such as aloe vera, various sea vegetables, Pau D?arco, which is an herb from South America, and a juice concentrate blend.

Robert owns and operates Online-Sea-Silver.com and Health-Drinks.net.


What Is Cellulite?

Cellulite is that substance that is lurking on your thighs and on your rear. It is the substance that drives you mad trying to hide it. But, what is it really and is there a possibility that you can get rid of it? Cellulite has been described as having the texture of an orange peel. It is dimples that form on the skin. This is caused by the protrusion of subcutaneous fat into the dermis of the skin.

The fact: up to 98% of post pubertal females have to deal with cellulite of some form or another. Caucasian women will experience it the most between races. And, because mostly women get it (it is rare for a man to experience it) it is thought to be caused by hormones. On a good note, though, cellulite is not necessarily a condition of being overweight but is found on people of all shapes and weights. There are no health risks from cellulite itself.

For those men that suffer from this condition, it is often due to the males being androgen deficient. Individuals that suffer from Klinefelter?s syndrome, post castration, and hyprogonadism are likely to experience cellulite. Men who have to receive estrogen to help with prostate cancer may also have the condition affecting them.

Treatments For It?Are They Out There?

Try as you might, for most people, cellulite is not something that will go away without a lot of work. But, there is help available. In the cosmetic world, there are some solutions that can help you. For example, liposuction is said to help to a certain degree. And, there are those that offer other treatments to hide the dimples as well.

The most beneficial way to get rid of cellulite, like it or not, is through eating a balanced diet including plenty of water as well as getting the exercise that to keep muscles lean. A balanced diet will consist of good sources for vitamins and minerals that come from vegetables and fruits.

Although cellulite, also known as orange peel syndrome, hail damage and mattress phenomenon is not something that effects yo! u health wise, it can do damage to your self esteem if extreme and definitely isn?t something you?ll brag about. But, rest assured that through a good regimen of diet and exercise, you can, hopefully, see some results.

This article was written by T.Potter. You can visit Cellulite Relief for further information and cellulite resources.


Adult Acne Skin Reactions from External Sources

Its been mentioned before that people may have a certain sensitivities to types of foods or products in the foods that they eat and can cause adult acne skin reactions. However it?s far more likely that an external cause may be aggravating or partially responsible for the acne.

The skin is the body?s largest organ and it?s on the outside of the body so it?s exposed to a variety of external factors which can cause irritation, infections, and even acne. Some people have more sensitive skin than others. You may be washing your face regularly with an acne cleanser but this may be too strong. Many people complain that the traditional cleansers with salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide are too strong, leading to redness and dry skin.

In this case you can go off of the over the counter cleanser that is bothering you and irritating your acne skin or you can look for a different cleanser with different formula. In the case of cleansers the formula is the most important thing for your skin. If you do have irritation look for a cleanser with less of the active medication, for example .5% benzoyl peroxide instead of the 1 or 2%, and try to get a cleanser that doesn?t have alcohol in it. Alcohol is very drying.

When rinsing off your face you normally use tap water, but this tap water may contain chemicals or minerals that are too harsh for your skin leaving it with red splotches of color and irritating the all ready sensitive skin with acne on it. You may wish to test your water to make sure it isn?t too hard or soft and test the pH level to make sure it isn?t too alkaline or base for your skin. You can easily correct the water by picking up a simple water purification system that attaches to your faucets.

Other typical acne skin irritants can be pollution, excess sunshine, pore clogging skin creams, lotions and make ups and greasy work environments.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquet! te and m anners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Free info. on Adult Acne with skin care treatments.


Are You Controlled by the Urge to Splurge

I gotta confess: I'm completely addicted to crisps. Any kind is fine. Don't mind the flavor - they all taste fine. My resolve weakens every time I think about chomping into one. Feeling the crunch, hearing the crackle, and getting that first taste of its tangy flavor. Bliss - and if you are into crisps then you probably wish you had a packet right now - probably a big one.

But maybe crisps aren?t your thing. Probably there's another food that lures you into the refrigerator or the pantry cabinet. I can think of a few more that do it for me. Milk chocolate, do-nuts, crispy pies....and the list goes on. I have no doubt that you probably have a list of your own - right. According to one study, 97% of women (compared to 68% of men) experience cravings on food.

So how do you control these urges that pull you away from your diet plan and down the temporary joy of self-indulgence? I researched on the topic to give you what some experts advise on how to enjoy that art called eating without it turning into a feeding frenzy. Read on - and never again feel guilty about eating a chocolate chip cookie.

This is what they say:

Take Charge of Your Eating Habits.

Try to control the number of food cravings you experience. It appears to be impossible for humans like us, but if you psyche yourself and develop fewer cravings, then slowly you'll submit to fewer cravings.(I'm not sure how to do this - maybe imagine that hamburger as a large lump on your butt or that chocolate as a shiny red bulge on your forehead)

According to one study of nearly 500 women, researchers found that women who received a daily 1, 200 milligram calcium supplement reduced their number of premenstrual food cravings by 54%. To reach the same result by getting the needed calcium intake from food, rely on skim milk and yogurt. Sounds a bit difficult for all lactose intolerant? Try some calcium-fortified foods or juices like cheese and calcium-filled orange juices. If you don't feel you can get sufficient calcium! from fo od, make up the difference using a supplement of calcium carbonate or calcium citrate.

How about something relaxing? When you're anxious, the body produces more of the hormone cortisol, which may increase the amount of carbohydrates you want to eat. Sweets or carbohydrates temporarily increase our levels of serotonin, making us feel calm and relaxed.

Thus, one way of helping curb your sweet tooth, rent some videos, text your funniest friends, or schedule a spa weekend. Why not have a bit of chocolate once in a while? When you begin including small amounts of these forbidden foods into your diet, a funny thing happens: You don't crave them anymore.

Distinguish specific cravings from hunger. Suppose you drive by a fast food outlet and all of a sudden, you develop a deep craving for French fries. Rather than rushing down the drive thru section, reassess your urge. Turn on your favorite music and switch your attention away from the fries idea. Suppose, on the other hand, you feel the need to satisfy not the urge but your hunger, select an apple pie or salad as a substitute.

Cut Hundreds of Calories.

Sure you can cut on hundreds of calories on what you eat every day! How? By making the appropriate choices on replacing high-calorie to low-calorie foods, such as cheese, creams, whole milk, butter, etc. Here are easy tricks to keep you cooking and eating minus the calories.

? When cooking, use nonstick pan to eliminate the use of butter and/or oil.

? Remove the fat from the meat.

? Remove the skin of chicken before serving.

? Use butter-flavored seasoning on vegetables instead of sprinkling butter.

? For casseroles, desserts and sauces, use evaporated skim milk (12 cal./tbsp.) instead of heavy cream (51 cal./tbsp.)

? Cook stews and other casseroles ahead of time. Refrigerate. Remove congealed fat before serving.

? Choose real orange (71 cal.) over an orange juice (90 cal./6 oz).

? For snacks, low-calorie fruits (cucumbers, asparagus, c! arrots, apples, pickles) are good replacements for crackers and breads.

? Use bottled chocolate extract for milk shakes instead of sweetened cocoa.

? Use two egg whites (34 cal.) for cakes instead of one egg (82 cal.).

? Choose diet margarine (50 cal.) instead of the regular margarine (100 cal.).

? Choose cereals with the least calories then add fresh fruits to be more nutritious.

? In parties, good substitutes for snacks are carrot strips, pickle slices, and raw mushroom caps.

? Drip away fats by cooking hamburgers on the rack.

? Avoid chips with dips.

Staying in healthy shape depends on the right behaviors. So how strong is your will power to control the urge?

Prepared by Kevin Bauer

You may reprint this article on your website or in your ezine provided the resource box is included and the link to my website remains live

The http://www.lose-weight-quickly.info is dedicated to all those who are frustrated because they are overweight or obese and want to take back their life. This dynamic website will provide ongoing information to all those with the courage to change their life. Published by Kevin Bauer


Laser Hair Removal: Know the Provider Qualifications

Laser hair removal is a fast-growing procedure that's helping thousands of people get rid of unwanted hair. The latest procedure uses intensed pulsed light (IPL) to destroy hair follicles and prevent the growth of follicles and hair for an extended period of time. Laser hair removal has been so popular because of its preciseness and success rates. If you're considering laser hair removal, your first step is to find someone who's qualified to perform the procedure. It's important that they be qualified and experienced to provide a high-quality procedure.

Finding Laser Hair Removal Specialists

Locating your laser hair removal specialist is not difficult. Make sure he or she is Board Certified in Dermatology. If more than one specialist is working at the office, find out if each is certified. If another member of the doctor's staff will be performing the procedure, that person should be a registered nurse or licensed physician to ensure proper care and use of the laser equipment. The facility where your procedure will be performed should be clean and professional. Ask for a tour of the facility and where your procedure will take place if possible. Take special care in choosing your specialist because laser hair removal is a medical procedure, and should be treated as such.

State Requirements for Laser Hair Removal

Each state varies in how laser hair removal can be performed. You'll need to know what your state requires and make sure your specialist understands this as well. The state requirements are broken down into four categories. Each category specifies how and by whom the procedure can be performed within that particular state. A brief explanation of each category is below.

1) Physician Only: A medical doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) must actually fire the laser. Then, the doctor may ask a PA, RN or other licensed professional to use laser during the hair removal procedure.

2) Direct: The laser can be fired by a medical or non! -medical professional (according to the state's requirements), but the professional must remain under the direct supervision of the MD or DO, and also use the license and practice of the doctor.

3) Supervision: A medical or non-medical professional can fire the laser and perform the procedure under the supervision of a MD or DO. Depending on the state, the physician might or might not be present when the laser hair removal procedure is performed.

4) N/A: The state has no official requirements for laser hair removal procedures.

*Below is a list of states and their general requirements for based on the four above definitions. Check within your own state, however, to obtain more detailed requirements.

Alabama: Direct
Alaska: Supervision
Arizona: Supervision
Arkansas: Supervision
California: Direct
Colorado: Supervision
Connecticut: Direct
Delaware: Physician Only
Florida: Supervision
Georgia: Supervision
Hawaii: Physician Only
Idaho: Supervision
Illinois: Supervision
Indiana: Physician Only
Iowa: Supervision
Kansas: Supervision
Kentucky: Supervision
Louisiana: Supervision
Maine: Physician Only
Maryland: Physician Only
Massachusetts: Direct
Michigan: Supervision
Minnesota: Supervision
Mississippi: Supervision
Missouri: Supervision
Montana: Physician Only
Nebraska: Direct
Nevada: Supervision
New Hampshire: Physician Only
New Jersey: Physician Only
New Mexico: Physician Only
New York: N/A
North Carolina: Supervision
North Dakota: Direct
Ohio: Supervision
Oklahoma: Direct
Oregon: Supervision
Pennsylvania: Direct
Rhode Island: Supervision
South Carolina: Direct
South Dakota: Supervision
Tennessee: N/A
Texas: Supervision
Utah: Direct
Vermont: Supervision
Virginia: Direct
Washington: Supervision
West Virginia: Supervision
! Wisconsi n: Supervision
Wyoming: Supervision

*State requirements as shown at the Web site of Rocky Mountain Laser College of Denver, Colorado.

Laser hair removal can be a simple, pleasant process if you find the right doctor. You can usually locate professionals in your local telephone directory, online or by consulting with your own family doctor. If you take the time to locate a doctor that's right for you, you'll be more satisfied with your results. You can see that unwanted hair disappear in no time!

Written by Kelly Jensen for LaserRemoval.net, an extensive information site regarding laser hair removal, cosmetic procedures, and skin beauty tips. For answers to other general questions you may want to review this Laser Hair Treatmet article.


Top 10 Gym Mistakes

For someone who just started exercising, the right guidance is critical. If you are a newcomer, the first thing you want to do is exercise in a safe and effective fashion. Many individuals avoid the gym due to the fear of making a mistake in public. For the weight room rookie, there is nothing more demoralizing than the disheartening smirks of veteran trainees. Mistakes start to happen, and these prevent you from getting optimal results. In fact, it increases the chances of injury!

If you are considering joining a gym / are a gym rookie, then you must avoid the most common mistakes. Try these tips - before you know it, you could be teaching a thing or two to uncompromising ?experts? in your local gym or fitness center.

Presenting the most common mistakes made by rookie trainees.

1. Incorrect technique.(dumbbell or barbell).

Always speak to a gym instructor / experienced weight trainee to guide you and demonstrate the correct manner to perform exercises. If you have difficulty in lifting a particular weight, then don?t. Just practice with a light weight for the first 1-2 weeks.

2. Exercising on an empty stomach.

When exercising to shape muscles, it is a bad idea to enter the gym in a fasting state. The body needs energy to lift weights and this energy comes from food, specifically the food you eat prior to the training session. Some light carbohydrates (rice, bread, fruits) is a good idea prior to the training session.

3. Insufficient gear.

Always carry a bag containing a spare set of clothes, a towel, bathroom accessories and a water bottle for an effective workout.

4. Lifting weights too quickly.

When in the gym, the best way to lift weights is in a slow and controlled fashion. Avoid fast, jerky movements since they can cause injuries.

5. Holding your breath.

The breathing pattern for lifting is to exhale on the positive phase (pushing or pulling the weight) and inhale on the negative (lowering the weight). H! olding y our breath can raise your blood pressure and, if you hold it long enough, cause fainting.

6. Being too proud to ask for assistance.

Work with a friend / ask for assistance when using heavy weights. In gym parlance, this individual is called a ?spotter?. Gym trainees are always more than willing, and it's much better to ask quietly for a spot than to scream loudly for help once you're in trouble.

7. Trying to ?spot reduce? certain muscles, such as the abdominals.

The best gadgets and hundreds of crunches won't transform your legendary flab into equally fabulous abs. For best results, incorporate aerobics exercises and sensible nutrition into your daily plan.

8. Overdoing it.

Resist the temptation to lift as much as you can or overdo the treadmill the first few times in the gym. Gradually work your way up.

9. Not drinking enough water.

Drink at least 20 ounces of water for every hour of working out, and sip water continuously, before you're thirsty. By the time you're conscious of thirst; the body is already partially dehydrated. This can adversely affect stamina and concentration.

10. Relying on the 'best looking' people for advice.

Just because someone is fit does not mean that they have used the best methods, but it does mean that have been exercising the longest. Consult a professional personal trainer for best results

Nitin Chhoda is a professional fitness consultant with an MS in Performance Enhancement and Injury Prevention and a BS in Physical Therapy. Professionaly certified by the National Association of Sports Medicine as a Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES), Nitin has over 8 years of experience training the general population, hospital patients and athletes. He provides online personal training to clients to clients in 8 countries for a low monthly fee at http://www.phonefitnesstrainer.com.

He also provides free training routines, diet plans, grocery lists and fitness books for women on his websi! te http: //www.toningforwomen.com

Sign up to receive updates about Nitin's new articles, fitness books and other exciting promotions at http://www.toningforwomen.com/friends.html


Home Tanning Beds

These are the most popular and best selling home, non-commercial tanning beds that can be found on the market with prices ranging between $1500 to $5000.

ETS SunVision ZX30 Tanning Bed: This tanning bed features a computer-designed Bio-Tech Tunnel Design for consistency. It has 30, 100 watt lamps, and is built with heavy-duty extruded aluminum and steel mainframe with a DuraMax 2000 exterior. Other features include Quick Clip acrylic removal system, digital timer with built in hour meter, glossed aluminum reflectors, 7 foot tanning surface, staggered lamp design, and acrylic sheet. The product costs around $4500 to $5000.

Sunquest Pro 24RSP (120V) Tanning Bed: This Bio-Tech Tunnel Design tanning bed has 24 tanning lamps is designed with a steel mainframe, curved acrylic sheets, DuraMax 2000 exterior housing, Superflow internal cooling system and 20 minute session time. It features a control key lock, backup timer, and Quick Clip acrylic removal system; and requires a 20 Amp Circuit Breaker, 120 Volt Dedicated Circuit, and 20 Amp NEMA #5-20R Receptacle. The tanning bed costs around $1500 to $2000.

Supreme Tan Pearl 16 Plus Tanning Bed: This is one of the smaller and cheaper entry level tanning beds. It is 76 inch long, features 12 Philips Performance lamps, 4 integrated facial tanning lamps, dial timer, canopy with grids, a base reflector system, adjustable gas spring lifts, and a 30 minute tanning session, and costs around $1900.

SOLTECH 16: This tanning bed uses 16 High Powered Phillips 100 Watt tanning lamps and features frosted acrylics for even UV disbursement, 30 minute tanning session time, easy acrylic removal system, Internal fan cooling system, and a 30 minute on board timer. Optional components include a spring timer, front panel base body fan, DualSun Facials, frosted Acrylic, and a free starter Kit. SOLTECH 16 costs around $2000 to $3000.

Wolff Tanning Bed: This product is also manufactured with a Bio-Tech Tunnel Design with heavy-duty extruded aluminum and st! eel main frame, with DuraMax 2000 exterior housing. It features 24 high-output 100-watt lamps, glossed aluminum, Quick Clip acrylic removal system, wide curved tanning surface, and acrylic sheets. The SolarMax IFT face tanner is an optional component. You can get this tanning bed for about $2500 to $3500.

Ruby Tanning Bed: The Ruby Tanning Bed comes with 24 lamps of only 120 volts. It has 6 face tan enhancing lamps and 8 arm tan enhancing lamps, and features a 30 minute tanning session, adjustable Gas spring lifts, acrylic click strips, canopy acrylic, matching base skirt, and a dial timer. The product costs somewhere between $2400 to $3900.

SOLSMART 20: This tanning bed uses 20 High Powered Phillips 100 Watt tanning lamps and features frosted acrylics for even UV disbursement, 20 minute tanning session time, easy acrylic removal system, Internal fan cooling system, and a 20 minute on board timer. Optional components include a spring timer, leg base, and free starter Kit. The standard color is silver but you can choose between silver/charcoal, silver/black, silver/blue, and silver/red. The SOLSMART 20 costs around $2000 to $3000.

http://tanninghq.com/ Tanning HQ: articles and information about the tanning and keeping your body looking beautiful.


Don't Spend Money on Acne Remedies Fight Acne Naturally

Acne is commonly a skin condition that is seen as whiteheads, blackheads, pustules or infected and inflamed nodules. Acne often is found on a persons face, chest, neck, and back. While many acne types usually affect the teenagers, various acne conditions are not restricted to a particular age group; even adults in their late 20s or even well into their 40s ? have the possibility to also suffer from acne. Though acne is not life threatening, it can cause unwanted permanent scarring and cause emotional distress if it is not treated properly. People with Acne problems often tend to be more self-conscious about their appearances when having outbreaks or blemishes.

Instead of having you dig deeper into your pocket for various types of expensive Acne Treatment remedies, you should attempt to fight acne naturally by avoiding your pores to get clogged. For many people with acne outbreaks, it is about avoiding the common acne outbreak. Just by following some of the simply steps listed below, people that often have outbreaks can dramatically decrease their chance of another acne outbreaks:

  • By not touching your face with your hands, including popping the zits.
  • By washing your skin with a mild soap, acne cleanser such as Proactiv Solutions
  • By avoiding stressful situations
  • By allowing your skin to breath; wear loose clothing

Scott Green has extensive experience in the Dermatology field and shares his knowledge openly on his very resourceful site Your Acne Treatment Solution at http://www.youracnetreatment.com


Cause and Solution to Obesity


Today, 64.5 percent of adult Americans (about 127 million) are categorized as being overweight or obese. Each year, obesity causes at least 300,000 excess deaths in the U.S., and healthcare costs of American adults with obesity amount to approximately $100 billion. Apart from the obvious physical symptoms of being very large in size and unable to partake in normal activities such as sport, obesity increases one's risk of developing conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes (type 2), heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease and cancer of the breast, prostate and colon.

Child obesity is also becoming is large problem facing America. The amount of overweight children has risen significantly in the past ten years, and is expected to grow at an even greater rate in the future.

Not only does our society frown upon obesity on those who have it, but more importantly, it serves as a major health risk to those who have it. Thus, we should be concerned about teaching our children to eat well and stay active. Child obesity is not only a problem because they may get teased at school, it's a problem that could carry into adulthood where several health risks will coincide.

Not only are children eating more junk food than they ever have before, but they are considerably less active as well. Children have always loved watching TV and playing video games, but it seems to have gotten out of control. With the introduction of a variety of games consoles and now the internet, children spend more time staring at electronic screens than playing outside. It is this sedentary lifestyle that is hurting our young. So, it is important to encourage your child to get involved in out door activities. Organized sports are great for this. Riding bikes, hiking, or building tree houses and forts are typical things that children love and should be encouraged to consider instead of playing video games.

Soline Dibez is the owner of Alt Obesity which is ! a premie r resource for Obesity information. for more information, go to http://www.altobesity.com


Testosterone and Prostate Cancer

Everyone should know that when testosterone is metabolized, it produces DHT as one of the by-products, which is what allows your muscles and erections to grow. That is a good thing! However, DHT that doesn't get burned up during sex or working out is also what is at the root of your prostate problems to begin with.

The fact of the matter is that DHT is always being produced, and a lot of us simply cannot burn it off fast enough--no matter how much we work out in the gym or how much sex we have.

In the case of prostate problems, one camp blames a lack of testosterone while the other camp blames too much of it. I have even heard of a doctor suggesting castration as a means of preventing the spread of prostate cancer because he believed it was the only way to prevent testosterone from acting as fuel for the cancer.

Talk about a case of throwing away both the baby and the bathwater!

I'm sure that we've all heard at some point or another the notion that more sex is the solution to prostate problems, citing as evidence the high incidence of prostate cancer in celibate priests. Let's think about this for a moment: If more sex was really the solution, how come a certain rock-star died from prostate cancer? Also, if prostate cancer is the number one cancer killer of males, were all these murdered males celibate? Not likely...

While plain common sense would indicate that utter sexual abstinence may be harmful over the course of a lifetime, prostate cancer remains the number one cancer-killer of males DESPITE the fact that very few males are either rock stars or priests!

So, prostate cancer has little to do with sexual activity or the testosterone that fuels it. Rather, it is an issue of how we handle the excessive DHT in our bodies. With today's meat and hormone-filled diets it should be no wonder that our current report card is so poor.

This is why pro-hormone supplementation is replete with warnings that people with prostate problems should not be taking their prod! ucts. ( Bodybuilders love excess DHT which they can direct into their muscle tissue.)

Benign prostatic hyperplasia, often referred to as simply BPH, is an enlargement of the prostate gland that usually occurs in men who are over the age of 50. This enlargement in the prostate gland can cause a gradual squeezing of the urethra, which makes urinating difficult and painful. Many men who experience this prostate problem do not have any symptoms at all and it may not be detected until an annual rectal exam. Men with this prostate problem who do experience symptoms are likely to notice difficulty in starting urination, frequent urination as well as an increased frequency in awakening at night to urinate.

Prostate cancer, another prostate problem, is perhaps the most severe and is one of the leading types of cancers diagnosed in American men. Each year almost a quarter of a million new cases are diagnosed. It is estimated that prostate cancer will affect one out of every ten men. Each year more than 30,000 men die from prostate cancer. Because of the seriousness of this prostate problem, prostate cancer is perhaps the most serious of all the different types of prostate disease. Prostate cancer generally occurs in men who are over the age of 65, although cases in younger men have been reported. There is a high incidence of prostate cancer occurring in men who are shown to have a family history of this type of prostate disease. African-American men are considered to be particularly at risk for prostate cancer and suffer from the highest death rates related to this disease.

Plato Rosinke is a practicing Taoist herbalist since 1991 who specializes in the male reproductive system. If you've got prostate problems, then we've got solutions that work. Even if you're wearing a catheter that thing will be out in no time flat. Cutting-edge Chinese herbal formulation available at:



Silica Supplementation For Healthy Bones

Osteoporosis is an indicator of the aging process. As the calcium in our body structure leeches, our bones become brittle and weak. Using only a calcium supplement cannot remedy or stop this threatening and crippling disease because the body cannot absorb and make use of the calcium without the presence of Silica. Data suggests that, instead of affecting healing, supplemental mineral calcium, in contrast, speeds up the leeching away of bone calcium and thus accelerates the degenerative process of osteoporosis and similar diseases that affect the connective tissues in the human body.

In the case of osteoporosis, Silica can alleviate the pain and may restore the body?s self repair process. Osteoporosis indicators attack women primarily after menopause, but the deterioration process starts much earlier in their younger days. Countless women are dying of fractures caused by osteoporosis compared with cancer of the breast, cervix and uterus combined.

It is important to know that in osteoporosis, thinning of the bones takes place due to the insufficient manufacturing of the surrounding protein medium in which calcium salts first deposit. An insufficient amount of calcium in the bone matrix causes an enlargement of canals and spaces in the bones, giving the bones a porous, thinned look. The weakened bone develops into a fragile state and can be broken by a minor injury. The bones may even fracture from ordinary pressure or stress. For objectives of re-mineralization in damaged bones, it is advised that a sufficient Silica supplement be taken daily.

Bones are composed of mainly phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, but they also include Silica. Silica deposits minerals into the bones, especially calcium. It hastens the healing of fractures and also diminishes scarring at the location of a fracture. A good deal of research evidence indicates that through a transmutation process, Silica is turned into calcium when it is needed. It is for that reason that some scientists mention Silica as a precur! sor to c alcium. Even when calcium is insufficient, the body can turn Silica into calcium that the bones need.

Judy Phillips is the founder of Jash Botanicals, a manufacturer of physicians grade herbal extracts and medicinals. A naturopath and herbalist with over 25 years of experience, her passion for producing herbal formulas of exceptional purity and strength grew from a dissatisfaction with mainstream herbal products. She is an author of various natural health topics, from detoxification to dietary modification, and works to assist the expansion of knowledge to individuals in search of natural treatments. JashBotanicals.com offers a wide range of informative articles, including a monthly newsletter and a natural health blog.


"Beauty Foods" Can Help Slow Down the Aging Process

Anti-aging has been a very hot topic over the last 15 years, and we?ve made great discoveries about how to turn back the clock with natural hormones and cosmetic procedures. But who would have guessed that the most powerful way of prolonging your youth and enhancing your health was with ?Beauty Cuisine??

Beauty Cuisine is food which not only nourishes but strengthens the body, slows and reverses the aging process (entropy), and rejuvenates our cells allowing for a beautiful body inside and out. Beauty food was a natural part of our evolutionary diet as Paleolithic humans, but has become rare with our quest for fast foods with a long shelf life. The foundation of true youth, health, and beauty lies within consuming the right foods daily. Ideally, we need to pick foods which are fresh, unrefined, nutrient dense, organic, pH balanced, as well as high in enzymatic value, antioxidants, and phytochemicals.

Here are seven important qualities found in ?beauty foods?: 1) A low glycemic index rating. Those with high ratings promote insulin secretion, a hormone which when in excess is known to age and destroy the body. For example, high fiber and low sugar foods are lower on the glycemic index and are more desirable.

2) Anti-inflammatory properties. Our most common ailments such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, and bowel disease are caused by inflammation. Consuming spices such as ginger, tumeric, cayenne, and oregano, as well as foods including salmon, garlic, and blueberries, have powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

3) An alkaline or neutral pH. Fast foods and processed, refined foods are acidic and promote deterioration and aging. Yet, foods such as green vegetables, salads, sprouts, watercress, mustard greens, seaweed, sesame seeds, and berries are alkaline and rejuvenating.

4) High enzymatic content. Many illnesses occur as a result of lacking enzymes. They are critical in our food for digestion and assimilation of nutrients, yet they are sorely la! cking in our packaged and microwave prepared foods. High enzyme foods are energizing and invigorating, allowing the body to heal and recover significantly faster from injury or aging skin cells and organs. Foods high in enzymes include fresh raw vegetables and berries, as well as raw cheeses, yogurt, and wild game.

5) High mineral content. Foods such as arugula, hemp seeds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, broccoli sprouts, raw honey, aloe vera, papaya, berries, and burdock root are rich in minerals including silicon, biotin, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, and manganese, all known for their importance for strong hair, skin, and nails.

6) High Syntropy value. Stress, toxins, unhealthy food, and lack of fresh air and sun increase the aging process. They create destruction and disorder or entropy in our bodies, and few things actually work in direct opposition. Syntropy is an order-enhancing energy force stored in food which actually neutralizes entropy and releases the beautifying power in food from the sun. Thus, eating ?beauty? foods results in a more youthful energy, body, and mind.

7) Naturally colorful. The vibrant colors of natural foods indicate their wide spectrum of antioxidants, phytochemicals, and nutrients which protect, nourish, and heal the body from disease and aging. From the deep blue blueberries, to the red sockeye salmon, choose a variety of colors each day to optimize your intake of beautifying foods.

?Beauty Cuisine? similar to Paleolithic nutrition, is undeniably the most important new trend for healthy living. It will first stimulate your taste buds and then support your body to eliminate toxins, rejuvenate skin cells, strengthen organs, and increase overall vitality, health, and appearance. Humans evolved on these highly energetic restorative foods for the last two million years, and in order to continue thriving, we must make it a priority to keep consuming the right foods.

Annika owns a professional nutritional supplements website called http://www.RockwellNutrit! ion.com. She is a Certified Nutritionist, who completed her B.A. at Swarthmore College, PA, in a Psychology Pre-Medical curriculum. She later attained her Nutrition Certification (CN?) through American Health Sciences University, CO. Since 1995, she has been working in the nutritional supplement industry.


Accutane and Proactive Solution Acne Cures That Really Work

Acne cures that work are hard to find and that is a problenm, especially since acne can be a serious skin disorder not just a few pimples. that can be unsightly and embarrassing to the individuals it afflicts.

Two of the best acne cures that work are on the market and include a drug called isotretinoin, also known as Accutane, and the other, a system in three parts called Proactive Solution.

Accutane is one of the well known acne cures that work although it is a drug that has many serious side effects so it is prescribed for only those with serious cases of acne.

This acne cures that work begins to rid one of severe acne in a permanent manner after only one application.

Accutane is the best acne treatment to hit the market in well over twenty years and is highly thought of as one of the acne cares that works.

It falls into the category of drugs by the name of retinoids and as a rule one course of treatment must be taken to cure acne for a period of five months.

This treatment has been shown to help the great majority of acne sufferers (approximately 85 percent).

Occasionally patients require more than one course of the drug in order for it to cure their acne however most do not.

The Proactive Solution is another of the acne cures that work

This is not as high-risk and as far as acne cures go, Proactive can help people who have mild to serious cases of acne.

Combining all three parts of the Proactive Solution's system together can help cure acne in a timely fashion.

It is a topical solution that is applied directly to the affected areas of skin.

The system includes Renewing Cleanser, Revitalizing Toner and Repairing Lotion.

The items need to all be used in concert to do their job correctly and treat your acne the way you want.

Discover more articles and information regarding acne and skin treatments. Find some Acne Treatments that Work


What is Spray Tanning?

Spray tanning is a relatively new method of sunless tanning. Technically spray tanning method is something between self-tanning cosmetics and tanning beds. You go into the spray-tanning booth where you are sprayed by a special mist. After a few minutes the process is over and in a short time you?ll the kind of suntan you want.

How does it work?

The mist used in spray tanning contains DHA, a chemical reacting with the outer layer of skin and dyeing it brown. Technically it works just like tanning lotions, but the booth and sprays assure that all the body will be equally covered with DHA. Spray tanning does not require any additional sessions ? one visit is enough to get a suntan you need.

How long does it last?

Because spray tanning works only in the outer layer of the skin (the ?dead? one), the effects can last only as long as a week, and they usually disappear in four or five days. As you see spray tanning is an excellent method to look very good for a short time. But of course, you can visit a spray tanning saloon once a week and retain your skin color almost indefinitely.

Can I make it last a little longer?

Well, the skin replacement process is unavoidable, but you can increase the lifespan of you tan if you do a few things before beginning the spray tanning process. Here are they:

(1) Moisture your skin with some water-based moisturizer prior to spray tanning. It will help DHA to propagate itself into your skin and will add to tan?s lifespan.

(2) Exfoliate - clear your skin?s outermost layer from those dead cells that are already about to fall off. The mist will dye only those cells that are supposed to last longer than a few hours.

What about the tan color?

Due to the chemical processes caused by DHA, it is impossible to get an improper tan color ? it will be always a shade of brown. Of course, spray tanning lets you choose the right shade ? by spraying the right kind of mist, you can acquire all the palette of browns ? from very light b! rown to almost black ones. It does not change the session time.

Can spray tanning be dangerous for my health?

Spray tanning eliminates most health hazards typical for UV-tanning methods, so skin aging and cancer are no longer problems. The only possible hazard of spray tanning is an allergy for DHA, but as with kinds of allergy, this does not usually threats your life, like cancer does.

Is spray tanning dangerous for my clothes?

No, it isn?t. Spray tanning method rely on chemical reactions in your skin and DHA isn?t by any means paint! Even if mist has been used in excess, spray tanning does not create any stains and remains perfectly safe for your clothes (and people you shake hands with J).

Does it leave any odor?

It depends. While most waterborne sprays are odorless, many spray tanning saloons use oil-based mist and it leave some starchy odor, so it is not recommended to go to spray tanning saloon right before a date. The scent vanishes completely after a few hours.

Linda Smith owns Luxury Tanning.com, a site devoted to the latest in tanning


Your Eye Surgery Report Is Laser Surgery Right for You?

LASIK - stands for Laser in-Situ Keratomileusis

The Ideal Candidate

In general, the ideal candidate for LASIK is over 18 years of age and has healthy corneas. Candidates must not have had a significant increase in their prescription in the last 12 months. People with certain medical conditions or women who are pregnant may not be good candidates for LASIK

Realistic Expectations

The decision to have LASIK is an important one that ultimately, only you can make. It is important that you have realistic expectations and that your decision is based on facts, not hopes or misconceptions. The goal of LASIK is to reduce your dependence on corrective lenses. LASIK does not always create 20/20 or even 20/40 vision. It cannot correct a condition known as presbyopia, or aging of the eye which normally occurs around age 40 and which requires the use of reading glasses. In fact, people over 40 who have their distance vision improved may find they need reading glasses after the procedure.

What Are The Outcomes of LASIK?

Long term data as well as our recent findings reveal very positive results. LASIK has proven very effective in correcting a broad range of myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia. It has been reported that 92% of patients were corrected to 20/40 or better, and 88% were 20/20 for mild myopia. For moderate and high myopia, 92% were still correctable to 20/40 or better, of which 39% were correctable to 20/20. Results with excimer laser have been consistent with these reports.

The procedure is designed to reduce nearsightedness, astigmatism and farsightedness but it cannot stop the aging process and almost all participants will, in all likelihood, need reading glasses as they age.

What Are The Risks?

As with any surgical procedure, complications may occur. These are very rare. However, they may include:

1. Improper Correction: The desired correction may not be achieved, or astigmatism may be induced.

2. Decrease in Best Corrected Visual Acuity: T! his is t he best vision you can achieve with glasses or contact lenses.

3. Glare: In the first few months you may experience problems with glare at night.

4. Halos: You may experience halos or hazy rings around bright lights at night.

6. Corneal Scaring: This is extremely rare. A corneal scar may block your vision.

7. Dislocated Corneal Cap: This may have to be sutured or even replaced resulting in a slower recovery of best corrected vision. This is extremely rare.

8. Epithelial Ingrowth: During the healing process some surface cells may migrate under the hinged flap. Often times this requires no attention; however, in some instances they must be removed.

What Are The Benefits Of LASIK?

1. Reduction of large amounts of nearsightedness and astigmatism and farsightedness. Immediate restoration of uncorrected vision.

2. Minimal (usually less than 24 hours) visual recovery time.

3. Permancy of correction. Once the refractive error has been corrected the result is stable.

4. Ability to engage in outdoor activities in which corrective lenses may be cumbersome or restrictive.

5. Elimination of the time, expense and effort involved in maintaining and updating contact lenses.

It's not for everyone, but when it works, it's great. Talk it over with your eyecare professional. Good luck.

FramesDirect.com Better Vision Team View over 10,000 frames online: Eyeglasses, Sunglasses and Frames Online

Copyright 2005, 2006 FramesDirect.com.

If you would like to publish this infomation on your website, include the following information with a direct link to http://www.framesdirect.com

Dr. Dhavid Cooper and Dr. Guy Hodgson are the founders of FramesDirect.com which has been recognized for outstanding customer service and satisfaction. FramesDirect.com is fast becoming the global leader of prescription eyeglasses, sunglasses and contact lenses sales online.

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Estrogen and Breast Cancer The Evolving Mystery

As many women begin the transition through menopause a lot of consideration goes into the idea of taking Hormone Replacements - whether it is just Estrogen (Estrogen Therapy or ET) or a combination of Estrogen and Progesterone (Hormone Therapy or HT). For the purpose of this article Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) will refer to both HT and ET.

Replacing your hormones with either natural or synthetic (laboratory made) forms of hormones may offer some benefit by helping to reduce many of the symptoms of early menopause - such as, hot flashes, insomnia, moodiness, and vaginal dryness. As well as more serious problems that may result from menopause like weakened bones, and osteoporosis.

But as with EVERY pharmaceutical product made to help relieve pain or discomfort there are risks, and hormone therapy is not without them. What's important is that your unique health history and risk factors are discussed with your doctor to best determine whether or not HT or ET is the best option for you.

Estrogens Impact on the Breast

What you have to recognize is that the scientific community is just beginning to realize the uniqueness of every woman's hormone profile. The effect of HRT on one of your female friends may be vastly different from the effect they have on you. This is why there is such a large amount of variation in what each woman experiences as they transition through menopause. This is also one of the greatest challenges that Doctor's and Scientist face in their effort to understand the affects HRT has on the female breast.

Probably the biggest concern women have about HRT is the increased risk of that dreaded disease - Breast Cancer! Breast cancer risk, like many diseases, increases with age for women, but it is not specifically affected by menopause. Unfortunately, recent studies have generated a lot of conflicting data between HRT and breast cancer risk.

But, before I go into the risk of developing breast cancers from HRT, it is important that you understand how ! Estrogen and Progesterone hormones affect your body, or more particularly, your breasts.

There are two primary thoughts on how cancer develops in the breast. One is that cancer tends to appear in fast growing tissue - Estrogen (and Progesterone) can cause breast tissue to grow at a faster rate - therefore this may be one way Estrogen is related to developing breast cancer. A second theory is that when estrogen is broken down in breast tissue the resultant compounds may bind to genetic material (DNA) and damage it. Damaged DNA is a common cause of cancers. For the moment - these are two primary theories on how HRT may increase the development of breast cancer.

Understand that the scientific community is hard at work trying to unravel the link between Estrogen and Breast Cancer -- or if there is even really a link -- but good science takes time. There are so many variables (like medical history and diet) in every study that it is impossible to blame ET or HT alone for breast cancer. Although the results of many clinical trials does show that HRT MAY increase the risk of developing breast cancer.

The Risk Factors

As a result of the various studies and clinical trials done, one thing is for sure, many more studies will need to be done before we unravel the mystery of HRT and breast cancer. In the mean time be aware of the fact that: Breast cancer risk is increased with the use of ET, and to a greater extent with HT, use beyond 5 years. And observational data suggest a slight potential increase for breast cancer with HRT use for less than five years.

By how much the risk is increased is not exactly clear at this point and will likely vary depending on each woman's unique genetic makeup, diet and exposure to various environmental factors. Obviously, the risk factor of taking HRT has a much greater impact if you are already at risk of developing breast cancer. If you fit into any of the categories below - then most physicians would probably agree that you should avoid HRT.

  • ! If you a re a breast cancer survivor: The concern is that HRT may stimulate the growth of small or hidden tumors, it is nearly impossible to determine how many women harbor these hidden cells known as micrometastases.
  • If you have a family history of breast cancer: It is not clear whether women with a family history are at increased risk of developing breast cancer when taking HRT and therefore the medical community is cautious about recommending it.
  • If you have a history of: Uterine cancer, Liver disease, Blood clots, Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding or Heart disease.

One major consideration when contemplating HRT should be whether or not you are at a higher than average risk of developing breast cancer. Some other minor factors that may increase your cancer risk are weight gain and women who experience menopause later in life than average.

HRT - A Personal Decision

HRT is really a personal choice - there is no right or wrong answer. While some women may not want to accept the risks associated with HRT others may want to. Each woman must decide for herself, with input from her doctor, the best course of action. Both patient and doctor should be comfortable with the decision to take HRT or to pursue other treatments.

If you do decide to try HRT make sure you work closely with your doctor - prescribing the right dosage may sometimes turn into a bit of a guessing game. Keep your doctor informed as to how you are feeling and whether or not you think it is helping. The best thing you can do is actually keep a journal and track the symptoms that you're hoping HRT will help with. The lower the dosages and the shorter the duration is best if you are worried about increased breast cancer risk. But again your personal situation should be discussed in detail with your doctor, if you have another medical condition where the benefits HRT provide outweigh the increased breast cancer risk, then HRT should be considered.

If HRT is not for you - you are not witho! ut help. Thanks to all the ongoing research, new therapies and alternatives are being investigated every day and have proven successful for many women. But a word of warning - since this is a very new field, don't necessarily believe every thing you hear and read. There are a lot of companies trying to take advantage of this relatively new market. And since a lot of the herbal remedies are not regulated by the FDA some companies will package almost anything with no regard for scientific data to back up their claims. Look for resources that are impartial and companies that provide actual data to support what they are claiming.

Lastly, I personally am an advocate of a healthy diet and active lifestyle to beat menopausal symptoms and weight gain -- you should know that every clinical study I have read has shown that these two factors are proven to ease the menopause transition by regulating hormones naturally. And with no increased risk of breast cancer -- actually eating the right foods will help prevent breast cancer as well as many other types of cancer and disease. So regardless of your HRT decision -- the first step you should take when it comes to helping yourself is to eat a proper macronutrient profile and get that body of yours moving!

Jenny May and Health Thru Fitness, LLC focus on researching, developing, and implementing fitness and health strategies that the menopausal woman, as well as women of all ages, can apply to their current physical status. To learn more about the Jenny May Principles check out http://www.menopause-weight-gain.com and http://www.healththrufitness.com. You are welcome to use this article for your website or newsletter provided that you include the above stated bio and website links. Copyright ? Health Thru Fitness, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Hair Care Tips by Nadeem

It's surprising the way some people treat their hair. Instead of giving it the respect it deserves, they tug at it with their hair brush, secure it with plain elastic bands that stick to the hair, lick it, chew it, clean their inky hands with it, stick their pens in it, wipe that excess eye-liner off on it, and while shampooing, rub it, scrub it, pull it and generally bash it around before stuffing it under the full blast of a hair dryer. Phew! It's shameful. Just because they're not going bald in a hurry, they take it for granted. And then they wonder why their hair isn't a shiny, swinging, sexy mane like in the ads, in spite of using the same shampoo! Well, understand the facts of life. Hair is delicate, growing stuff which need to be handled with care. A lot of care.

First, identify your hair type. Is it normal, oily or dry?

So, who's normal? Well, if your hair isn't a constant maze of split ends, doesn't become oily quickly and is fairly well behaved, you could say it is normal. Wash your hair twice a week with a mild shampoo and conditioner for normal hair. Towel dry lightly. Blow dry from at least five inches away, whether your hair is normal, dry or oily.

Stress, hormonal activity (puberty, childbirth), thyroid problems and eating too much fatty food and chocolates are what usually cause oily hair. Oily hair needs to be washed more often but don't scrub too hard while washing. It won't get your hair any cleaner or less oilier. What it will do is further aggravate the already overactive sebaceous glands on your scalp, not to mention cause damage to the delicate follicles. And don't pile hair on the head while shampooing, even though it may look great in the ads. It causes tangling, leading to further breakage. You could add lemon to the final rinse for a great shine. If you don't have time to shampoo every few days or feel lazy and leave it oily, your hair won't just look terrible, but dirt will get lodged under its surface causing breakage and damage not to mention dandruff. T! his will lead to skin problems such as acne on your chest, back and face. So you need to be careful about washing hair regularly, though you could condition it just twice a month. However, if your hair has been chemically treated, you should condition hair after every wash as chemical strips hair of its natural oils.

If your hair is dry, wash it twice a week with a shampoo for dry hair, followed by a conditioner. If your scalp feels very dry and flaky, use an anti-dandruff shampoo. Be very gentle with the ends of the hair, which are the driest parts and tend to split easily. You may be tempted to use styling products to tame the frizz, but avoid it. Frizz is usually caused by the inadequate flow of sebum from the roots, as it is being blocked by the flaky scalp. Give your hair a good oil massage before washing, to loosen the flakes, and rinse hair extra thoroughly.

Beautiful Hair is an asset for any woman. Some are gifted with naturally beautiful hair while others have to really work hard on it. But essentially everybody has to work on hair either for improving or for maintaining them. Here are some tips to manage your Crowning Glory.

Hair Wash

The best way of washing hair is with Aritha and Shikakai Powder. It does not have any chemicals or any other side effects. Aritha and Shikakai powder is available at any General stores or even a banyan shop.


Dry Hair - Egg, Herbal shampoo or any shampoo for dry hair. Normal Hair - For normal hair fruit shampoos or henna shampoo is good.

Oily Hair - Lemon Shampoo

Hair Oil

Oil your hair at least once in a week. If you have dry hair then oil it twice a week. Hair oil gives the necessary moisturizers to your hair. Herbal hair oil provides you the necessary nourishment along with the moisturizers. Hair Conditioners


Henna conditions and colours your hair.

Dry hair - Add some milk, water and 1-2egg yolks in henna. This mixture will not dry your hair and will make it soft and manageable. Apply ! it month ly.

Normal to Oily Hair ? Add water, lemon, egg yolks in henna. You can apply Henna fortnightly.

Home made conditioners

Add ? cup of vinegar in ? bucket of water. This will give a good shine to your hair. Mix curds and egg yolks together and apply it for 1hour.

Hair Tonics Try tonic Hair Oil?s powder - Put 4 tsp of this powder in water, boil it and after cooling down apply it on hair. This will stop hair loss, rejuvenate and nourish your hair.

Quick- fix hair tips

If you want instant luster just before a big night, beat an egg without the yolk, squeeze half a lemon into it and apply to hair avoiding the scalp than rinse and wash in another half an hour. Be sure to give your hair a last rinse with some rose water because we don't want you going out smelling like an egg.

Henna soaked in water of used tea bags, coffee powder, amla powder and onion peels can make for a excellent conditioner giving your hair the much needed boost.

There are a dozen of hair accessories available in the market today. Use clips, pins and bands to give your hair a different style and an added touch of color.

Nadeem, holds the national record (limca book of record holder) in Candle hair cut, blindfolded hair cut, hair cut with glass and papercutter. He had featured in various TV channels, Newspapers and he was also appreciated by Guiness Book of world records. He works as a hair stylist at REX Salon, Chandigarh (INDIA). Recently he conducted a seminar on hair styling and Japanese rebonding, It was very successful various hair dressers & beauticians from the region participated and appreciated his work.

free lance writer


Acupuncture Weight Loss Does it Work?

Acupuncture for weight loss is a modern application of this ancient medical practice. This article reports on the conclusion of it's safety and effectiveness following an extensive examination of the published evidence. For the complete report, please visit the URL displayed in the author bio.

Acupuncture Weight Loss -- Safety

Acupuncture for losing weight is a safe practice when a dieter undergoes 1-3 sessions within 3 to 4 weeks of starting a traditional method of weight loss.

Common side effects, rarely reported by dieters, include headache, nausea, and vertigo (losing balance). Severe adverse events, like neurological damage or death, have never occurred within 3 to 4 weeks of treatment.

Unfortunetly, no conclusions can be made beyond 4 weeks because of a lack of safety data. The studies found to examine acupuncture's safety do not follow subjects past 4 weeks. The ones that did attempt to follow subjects past 4 weeks, show many inconsistancies.

Until more data becomes available on acupuncture's safety beyond 4 weeks, no final conclusion can be made.

Acupuncture Weight Loss -- Does it Work?

After examining several published studies, acupuncture for weight loss, when combined with traditional methods of dieting like caloric restriction and exercise, does increase the amount of weight loss experienced by dieters.

In some studies, the difference between those using acupuncture and those not, was statistically significant. However, like the safety data, the conclusion that acupuncture does increase the amount of weight loss can only be made up to 4 weeks.

After 4 weeks, the data becomes inconsistant and incomplete. To make a conclusion beyond 4 weeks will require more data.

Acupuncture as a sole method to help dieters lose weight has not been studied enough to make a conclusion. The studies that are available are not designed properly and do not include enough subjects.

Acupuncture Weight Loss -- The Final Verdict

By under! going 1- 3 sessions within 3-4 weeks and when combined with tradtional methods of weight loss, acupuncture does work to increase the amount of weight lost by dieters.

No conclusion can be made on the safety and effectiveness of acupuncture beyond 4 weeks because of a lack of data.

To Healthy Living!

Michael A. Smith, MD
Chief Medical Consultant
Diet Basics Website

Dr. Smith is the Chief Medical Consultant for Diet Basics, a content rich weight loss web site dedicated to all dieters. For the complete report on acupuncture, please visit Acupuncture for Weight Loss.


Walking For Weight Loss

It is generally well accepted that exercise burns calories and can increase the overall health of body and mind. Most of us also recognize that walking is one of the simplest and most effective exercises for weight loss and health. What many people don't realize is that they might not be getting the most effective returns on their efforts. It actually requires just a little tweaking of a simple walking program to make it more effective as a weight loss program.

Many experts will recommend a minimum of 30 minutes of sustained physical activity every day for health. However, 30 minutes of walking a day, while it may initially cause some welcome and valuable weight loss for an overweight individual, the weight loss results will probably not be sustained as the body makes adjustments and learns to accept the new demands made on it.

Rest assured, walking (or participating in other activities) for a sustained 30 minutes a day WILL result in better health, a greater level of energy and well-being, as well as producing SOME weight loss. However, anyone seriously overweight will probably not create the sustained, permanent weight loss they seek with only 30 minutes a day.

Because of the manner in which the body draws on fat stores vs. other stored energy sources, the first, and most valuable step, will be to increase the amount of time the activity is performed. Forty-five minutes is better than 30, and 60 is better than 45 minutes.

Admittedly, walking an hour a day, six or seven times a week may be difficult for some to fit into their schedules. However, simply increasing the time to 45 or 60 minutes of activity two or three times a week will produce more weight loss than keeping all walks at 30 minutes.

Another technique is to increase the speed with which you walk on the days that you do not walk more than 30 minutes. This also has the benefit of conditioning the body in a slightly different manner than the slower paced, longer walks. Remember, no walk should introduce! extreme difficulty in breathing. A rule of thumb is that if you cannot talk and walk, you are attempting to either go too fast or too far. Always build up slowly to new levels of exertion.

You may also want to consider adding resistance training, such as with free weights, or equipment such as a Bowflex or Total Gym, or similar exercise apparatus. This builds muscle tissue which will burn more calories even in a resting state. Additionally, walking exercises only certain muscles and muscle groups. A resistance training program can be used to train muscle groups generally not included in walking.

Although the extended 45 and 60 minute walks will be somewhat more effective if done at one time, two 30 minute walks in a day will be more beneficial for fitness and weight loss than only one.

I would like to take a moment to address walking vs. running as a weight loss program.

Certainly, if you train to the point where you can run certain distances in certain times, you will almost certainly experience a major weight loss if that is what your body needs. However, you can get just as fit as a runner by walking with a great deal less danger of injury. A beginning walker in particular is more likely to experience less discomfort during and after an exercise period than a beginning runner. Once you have build muscles and stamina, you may wish to move into a running program. Also, in the beginning of any exercise program, whether for weight loss or physical fitness, extreme demands on the body and one's physical, mental, and motivational resources may result in the program being dropped. It is generally easier to slip into a permanent walking program from a sedentary lifestyle than a running program.

One last argument for at least beginning with a walking program is that you can sneak into a walking program without any special equipment or preparation, and no one but you needs to know that the shopping trip to the mall was actually your secret walk for the day.

There's an old ! saying t hat the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step...so does a successful weight loss program.

The author is retired from the Army after 21 years of service, has worked as an accountant, optical lab manager, restaurant manager, and instructor. He has been a member of Mensa for several years, and has written and published poetry, essays, and articles on various subjects for the last 40 years. He developed an interest in health and fitness in the '70s after reading numerous books, including Dr. Kenneth Cooper's Aerobics. This has led him to continue his personal research into health and fitness for over 30 years, and to pursue course work on the subjects of health and fitness, including yoga, which he practices regularly. Learn more about Yoga and Weight Loss.


Skin Cancer Prevention Sunscreens

Covering up is your best defense against skin cancer but for those days you're going to be exposed to the sun, make sure you grab some sunscreen.

Have you noticed how many well known people are having surgery to remove cancer from their face? How about people you know? It is reported that there will be over a million new skin cancer cases this year alone. It doesn't have to be that way if people would just take the time to apply a generous amount of sunscreen on their exposed skin.

Let's take a look at the types of sunscreens that are available on the market today.

Types of Sunscreens

The most common and basic is clothing. A tightly woven, lightly colored material is best.

Next would be chemical sunscreens that are available in a variety of forms. They contain one or more of UV radiation-absorbing chemicals. A few of the most common chemical groups that block UVB radiation are known as PABA (p-aminobenzoic acid), PABA esters (padimate O), cinnamates (cinoxate, ethylhexyl-p-methoxycinnamate), salicylates (octylsalicylate, homosalate), and anthranilates (methyl anthranilate). That goodness for acronyms. While these all block UVB radiation, the chemical group known as benzophenone (oxybenzone and dioxybenzone) provides the best protection against both UVA and UVB radiation.


All sunscreens are assigned Sun Protection Factor (SPF) numbers by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This number refers to the sunscreen ability to block UVB radiation. Sunscreen products with SPFs of 2 to 50 are available on the market. Now here is the interesting part, a sunscreen product with a SPF of 15 will protect your skin 15 times longer from UVB than if you did not have sunscreen applied at all but a SPF 30 does not work twice as well. A sunscreen with SPF 30 will only provide another 3%. So think twice before you fork out more money expecting a lot greater protection.

It is also important that the product stand-up to the stress of prolonged exercise, sweat! ing, and swimming. Look for the following three labeling recommendations to help you determine the the most effective sunscreen for your activity:

- Sweat-resistant: gives protection up to 30 minutes during continuous heavy perspiration - Water-resistant: gives protection up to 40 minutes during continuous water exposure - Waterproof: gives protection up to 80 minutes of during continuous water exposure

Remember to reapplied sunscreen after prolonged swimming or perspiring. Also remember that reapplication of a sunscreen does not further the period of protection.

In Conclusion:

I'll say it again, cover up if you plan on spending long periods of time in the sun, if at the beach or swimming make sure you use the appropriate sunscreen and reapply as needed.

Dennis Watson - Just helping others succeed.

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How the Season's of God Helped Me Overcome Having Breast Cancer

Heal Cancer!!!!! Pray for a Breast Cancer Healing Prayer

Overcoming Breast Cancer with the Season?s of God

How I accepted the feelings and emotions of having Breast Cancer

My husband and I go to a wonderful church. Our pastor is like no other. He is a great teacher. He teaches us how the Bible can help us with our daily lives. This book the Bible has everything for a Christian life. It deals with every situation and it gives everything we will ever need to know. The answers are in the word of God.

Pastors teachings has helped me to get through one of the most difficult times in my life. This particular Sunday he preached on the seasons of the year. Our lives are ruled by the seasons. Each season has a purpose in our lives. Mans seasons are changeable and negotiable. Gods seasons are fixed consistent, reliable and not negotiable. Everyone has a different time span for their season. My season may be long and yours may be short. It is just what God has planned for us. All of your seasons follow in order just like they do each year. There are seasons of love, marriage, death, sickness, prosperity and success. Do you know what season you are in?

I was in my Winter. It is the coldest season of the year. It is a time when you are tested. Winter is a time to grow through and not go through, Your winter may be long or short. It may be filled with the problems of snow and rain, and things just are not easy, emotional stresses, death, sickness and the pains of divorce. Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own. Do you know what season you are in?

Then long came Springa time to take advantage of opportunities. It is a season for expansion. This is a time to plant seeds a time to grow. Spring is a time to give birth to new ideas and relationships. Your spring may be long or short. This is a time of great favor in your life. Too, forget the harshness of winter and start a new beginning. All doors are open to you now! . The op portunity of college is opened and a new job or home. It is the time to buy a new car or even marriage. The sky is the limit for opportunities. Do not wish for less of a challenge pray for more wisdom. Do you know what season you are in?

A long came Summer the hottest season of the year. It is a time to nourish and protect. This is the time for the seeds you have planted in the spring to blossom. As soon as you plant the seeds the insects and weeds of the world come to destroy. This is a time to protect all good things. A time to protect yourself from sickness, poverty and enjoy the harvest of prosperity and success. All good things will be attacked. Satan will try robbing you of your God given harvest. Successes are to be protected and celebrated. Do not wish for fewer problems pray for more skills. Do you know what season you are in?

Next and last Fall this is a time to take responsibility and reap the activities of spring. Your fall may be long or short. Get rid of excuses of not succeeding, bad childhood, bad relationships and bad choices that you made in life. This is a new beginning to start to make the best of your life. Fall is a time to achieve Gods plans and his true purpose for your life. Do not say I wish it was easier just pray to make yourself better. Do you know what season you are in?

I learned a great lesson from all of this. This was the greatest test of my life. Pastor's helped me to understand why this was happening to me. This was a part of my destiny, my journey with the Lord. This journey gave me my own testimony. I put all my trust and faith in the Lord that he would bring me through. It was written before I was born that I would have breast cancer. No one can change their destiny. Breast cancer was to be my destiny and my journey. I knew in my heart one day I would have a spring, summer and fall again. Then one day that spring came that I had been praying for. God had healed m.!. I know now that God does things in my life according to the seasons. Each season h! as a key lesson to be learned to bring you closer to God. Thank your God. Do you know what season you are in?

Many heartfelt thanks and love to all, my Husband, Family, Neighbors, and Friends. Much appreciation and admiration to my Pastor, our First Lady and Church Family. Thankfulness, praise and worship to God, thank you Jesus for sparing my life.

By Yvonne Lee Brown November 1, 2005

About Author: Retired Verzion Telephone Company employee. I am a entrepreneur at heart and Network Marketer. A new web site owner of http://www.MyHealingPrayer.com
This website is about cancer and how Prayer Heals. This is a exciting new site with lots of cancer information and products. Stop bye and visit with us soon. !!!



Not Tonight...I Have a Headache! (Book)

I've suffered from headaches for a good part of my life, so I decided to write a book about my wrestling match and experiences with headache pain, and I hope it will help others in their struggle. And, I have suffered from headache pain since I was eleven years old, after an accident at a picnic.

And, now 60 years young, it was a roller-coaster ride or the highest order...feeling good one day...and scraping the bottom of the barrel the next day! Everyone suffers from headaches in their own way, and my situation was a little different, as my problem with headaches all started at a picnic in the mountains, in a fall, and my evil father never took me to the doctor to get fixed, and I got worse as the years went by.

This article is an outline or summary of the book I'm writing on headaches, and I would like to share some of the things that happened to me over that long period of time in my life.

* After the accident at the picnic grounds, I would never be the same, as I suffered from a variety of headaches for the next 40 years! With the headaches, came the nosebleeds and the high blood pressure, and so bad was the blood pressure, that I almost didn't get into the Air Force when I was only 19 years old. Cluster headaches; nervous headaches I suffered and the most terrible and unforgiving...the migraine headache!

* For those of you who are not familiar with the migraine headache, I'l try to describe what they're like! Over the years, I have suffered from bleeding ulcers; an ear ache; a toothache; and I have passed a kidney stone. All painful for sure! But, the migraine is different, because the pain is connected to the beat of the heart...the faster the heart rate...the more the throbbing pain! The lowering of the heart-rate...the less pain and so forth. I don't know if there is anyone that can stay on their feet with the pain of a migraine...and move around and suffer from it!*

* Because of the headaches, I was never a good student, and I struggled for every grade I! got. I was not dumb...I just had a headache problem at a young age. But, despite everything, I went on to graduate from high school and finished two years of college

* I didn't start getting migraine headaches until my last year in the Air Force, when I was about 23 years old. And, a migraine is called an attack...because that's what it is...an attack! In my case, I could get a migraine that could last anywhere from 8 hours for the mild variety...the the vicious which could last for 16 to 20 hours and is pure HELL! The best remedy for the migraine attach, is to lie perfectly still, to keep the heart rate down! The migraine sufferer's worst nightmare is to get up to go to the bathroom or to answer the telephone! If this happens, the throbbing pain is very difficult to get rid of!

* There were times, when I would get an attack, and the pain would always move over to the left side of the head in the temple area, and pound away into the early morning hours! The left eye would be drained of all water, and remain shut! It would take hours to get the eye re-opened. And, it would take a least 2-3 days to recover from a migraine attack!

* It was my last year in the Air Force (24 years old), when I started getting the attacks, and over the next decade, I was in no-mans land, as I struggled to hold a job and to survive! I worked for an entire decade as a temporary employee; I had no vehicle for over seven years; I was hospitalized twice with bleeding ulcers because of so much medication in-take; contracted TB and other illnesses.

*The search for a cure was never-ending for me, as I got worse, and at my worst, I was down to 118 pounds and frail, and my skin a a yellow tint to it, like I had some kind of contagious disease. My eyes were always blood-shot from the pain behind the eyes, and I know there were some people who thought I was on the drunk all the time!

* The VA allowed the veteran eight years for the G.I. Education Bill, but I was not able to complete my education because ! of the h eadaches. I appealed their decision and lost, and so what education I have, I had to pay for it myself.

* In the 1970's, there were few chiropractors around, and I was desperate, that I would do anything to get better! So, I had to try it! Chiropractic made sense to me, because my problem stemmed from the neck and upper spine injury!

* The visits and treatments were slow-going, and I kept a journal, as to how I was coming along. Year after year, I went to a chiropractor, and it took discipline and determination on my part. But, as I maintained the journal, it kept telling me that I was getting better and better. Over five years, I was on the table in the doctor's office 125+ times, and when all the dust settled, I went from a paltry 118 pound weakling...to over 180 pounds...and I felt like the six million dollar man!

* The change for my was incredible, and some people didn't even recognize me! I had color back in my skin; I looked healthy; I worked out pumping aluminum...and it all took a very long time but it was worth it.

* All in all, a decade went by through all this, and in the year 2006, I'm 60 years young, but I feel like I'm 50 years old, because I feel like I lost a decade in there someplace. What will always be amazing to me, is how I could create anything during this time in my life. Creativity...me? After this dreadful time in my life...why aren't I brain-dead? (you ARE brain dead, Jer!)

As a woodcarver in the art and craft world, where I created over 200 original pieces and participated in over 40 shows where I sold my work; building an award-winning website...and, now the challenge of writing articles, in which I hope people read...and if so, I am always appreciative and thankful!

My Authors Den; Here, you can get additional information on where my articles have been published; the joke of the week; My Two Cents and the latest information on my work, etc. http://www.authorsden.com/humordoctormd - Website name: humordoctormd - Over 200 colorful! ; pages; over 500 graphics http://humordoctormd.homestead.com email; humordoctormd@aol.com - humordoctor@aol.com

Copyright; Jerry L. Aragon (The Humor Doctor); 2006


Accutane Alternatives

I remember both my cousin and I, who were only two years apart in age, each suffering through adolescence with fairly severe acne problems, dreamt of a day when we'd find a miracle cure for a smooth and beautiful complexion. I, on one hand, had been on everything from Retin-A to Tetracycline and Erythromycin for my acne. She had also been prescribed these drugs and even additional topical treatments which would work for a little while, but then become ineffective.

That was fifteen years ago. At this time, there were no serious and effective alternatives to agressive acne treatment. Accutane was pretty much it.

I remember feeling envious when she was allowed to go on Accutane, which at the time was practically a miracle treatment for those with stubborn and persistent breakouts. The drug was not without it's warnings back then though. I remember the biggest warning was to not get pregnant while on the medication. It was actually mandatory to be on birth control if you were being treated with Accutane, since the medication drastically increases the likelihood of birth defects.

Other than that, I was oblivious to any other warnings and I didn't care about them quite frankly. When you're fifteen and you have severe acne, you would do almost anything to have a clear complexion, especially when your peers can be cruel about physical imperfections!

Green with envy, I tracked my cousin's progress eagerly, and hoped to talk my parents into allowing me to go on this agressive medical treatment. Her skin did break out much worse at first - to the point where she did not want to go out in public due to the large and painful inflammations. This was a known drawback, so I took heart in knowing she would clear up later. Then, as promised, her skin did clear very nicely, and all that was left was the old scarring.

Looking back, I am glad I never took this serious drug. Especially now, hearing about the new allegations of serious depression and even suicidal tendencies that so! me Accut ane patients have experienced. You can't search the net for Accutane without coming across stories of litigation, and advertisements for lawyers who exclusively represent Accutane patients.

Not only are the potential side effects scary, the drug also permanently dries up your primary oil-producing glands, which are the mechanism responsible for acne. While this is good in acne prone adolescents, what about when your skin starts aging? You WILL need that oil as your skin ages, to replenish and protect the moisture in your skin, and help prevent the signs of aging and progression of wrinkles.

My cousin now has some regrets too, since her skin seems to be chronically dry and flaky. She blames the medication for some of her premature aging signs as well, and hypothesizes that had she not undergone Accutane therapy, her skin may have maintained more of it's elasticity in later years.

You should know, there are some excellent natural alternatives on the market today that will prevent and fight acne internally just as well as Accutane can, for a fraction of the cost, with no adverse side effects and excellent, long-lasting results. You just need to know where to look!

Visit Acuzine Acne Pill for information on the effective natural acne remedy talkeed about in this article. Danna Schneider is the founder of Accutane Alternatives


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