Motivation for Rookies

For some people motivation comes easy, but for others, it is what separates the true bodybuilders from the posers. Bodybuilding is a sport that requires 110 percent of your focus, if one part is lacking then your whole plan will become a failure If you are wanting to improve your motivation or would just like to learn why it is important, then keep reading.

Being motivate is very important in bodybuilding, only the motivated will survive and that is no lie. How do you keep from eating junk food while preapring for a contest? How do you keep training day after day while only seeing little to no improvement with your body? If you are serious about achieving your fitness goals, being motivated is the only way of obtaining them.

You`ve all heard the story about the mom lifting up a car to rescue her baby as it is trapped underneath. Why do you think she was able to lift up the car when on a normal day she wouldn`t have been able to lift up a tire? It is the same way when you are at a job or getting ready for a big test at school. You have a motive of doing something and will achieve what you want at all cost.

So how do you improve your motivation? Well first, set a goal. This will give you an outside source to look at and as you review it everyday, you will become more and more motivated as you come closer to achieving it. Having to look in the mirror everyday is enough motivation for me and seeing a big fat roll hanging out of my shirt would make me feel ashamed. You also need to give yourself treats like buying a new supplement or having a small cheat meal when the weekend comes around. I always know that after I get done training that I get lots of simple carbs which keeps me motivated to finish the workout.

You have to love the feeling when friends or a member of the opposite sex compliments your body. It is a feeling of satisfaction and makes you want to keep going. On the flip side, you also hear the complainers and people with sorry excuses to why they are fat and out of sh! ape. The se people put everyone else down because of their jealousy, and it makes me sick. So now you must decide, which one of these people do you want to be. The one receiving the compliments or the ones doing the complaining. It`s your choice.

21 years old. check out my website for all of my articles


Secrets of Gastric Bypass Surgery: Lose Weight Without Surgery

There?s more to gastric bypass than surgery and rapid massive weight loss. Patients who undergo weight loss surgery (WLS) sign-up for a lifetime of rigid behaviors to guarantee their long-term success.

Just imagine: If you knew what those behaviors were, could you lose the weight and keep it off without surgery? Take a look at the four rules WLS patients live by:

Rule 1: Protein First:
The first rule for living after Weight Loss Surgery (WLS) is Protein First ? that means eating protein for three daily meals, and protein must be 50 percent of food intake. Animal products are the most nutrient rich source of protein and include fish, poultry and meat. Dairy protein, including eggs, is another excellent source of protein. Nuts and legumes are also good sources of protein, but sometimes difficult for the bariatric patient to consume.

Science is proving that a protein rich diet will prompt weight loss and increase energy. The body contains over fifty-thousand different active proteins all made out of the same building blocks: amino acids. Amino acids are made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen as well as sulfur, phosphorus and iron. Many diseases ? including obesity ? indicate an amino acid deficiency.

Weight loss surgery patients don?t have a choice, they must eat lean protein or they will get sick, anemic, and weary. Weight loss will cease if they eat processed carbohydrates instead of lean protein. Dumping or vomiting may also result if patients do not eat lean protein for the first half of every meal.

The distinction must be made between high fat proteins and lean proteins. A gastric bypass patient cannot tolerate high fat proteins such as bacon, fatty beef or sausage products or greasy fried chicken: these foods cause nausea and vomiting. In addition, these high fat protein rich items are contributors to obesity and should be avoided by anyone wishing to control their weight.

Rule 2: Drink lots of water
Dieters are often told ? drink water. Drink a mi! nimum of 64 ounces a day ? eight glasses a day. Gastric-bypass patients don?t have a choice: they must drink lots water. Other beverages including coffee, tea, milk, soft drinks and alcohol are forbidden. Water is the essential fluid for living. Water is one of the most important nutrients the body needs to stay healthy, vibrant and energetic. A tell-tell sign of a gastric bypass patient is the ever-present water bottle.

The human body is a magnificent vessel full of water. The brain is more than 75 percent water and 80 percent of blood is water. In fact, water plays a critical role in every system of the human body. Water regulates body temperature, removes wastes, carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells, cushions the joints, prevents constipation, flushes toxins from the kidneys and liver and dissolves vitamins, minerals and other nutrients for the body?s use.

Nutritionists say a precise measure of the body?s need for water is to divide body weight (pounds) in half and drink that many ounces every day. That number could well exceed 200 ounces a day for morbidly obese people actively engaged in weight loss.

The body will panic if actual water intake is significantly less than required. Blood cannot flow, waste processes are disrupted and the electrolytes become imbalanced. Proper hydration prevents inflammation, promotes osmosis and moistens lung surfaces for gas diffusion. It helps the body regulate temperature, irrigate the cells and organs and promotes all functions of elimination. Certainly by drinking plenty of water many people could resolve inflammation and elimination problems that result from insufficient water intake. Adequate water facilitates weight loss.

Rule 3: No Snacking
Gastric bypass patients are instructed to avoid snacking. No exceptions.

Snacking is the worst possible thing a WLS patient can do. If patients snack they cease to lose weight and could possibly regain weight. In addition gastric bypass snackers risk severe swings in blood sugar levels and gl! ucose ov erdose, they fail to move forward to the healthy life that surgery makes possible. They feel like failures when the WLS does not result in weight loss.

The nature of gastric bypass surgery gives patients an edge on beating the snacking habit. When a patient eats three protein-rich meals a day the body?s fuel requirements are met and satiation results. Hunger does not occur if water is sipped throughout the day. If a patient is taking vitamins they will not be nutritionally wanting. Given that, patients who snack are doing so out of the very habit that contributed to obesity.
If a dieter must snack they must be mindful of their choices. Fruits, vegetables and lean proteins will contributed to wellness and weight loss. Processed carbohydrate convenience foods fail to meet nutritional needs or facilitate weight loss and should be avoided.

Successful WLS patients understand that snacking is bariatric purgatory. When they begin to snack weight loss will cease and weight gain will certainly result. Successful weight loss patients ? those who maintain their weight loss years after surgery ? do not snack. The same is true for all successful dieters regardless of the means by which they initially lost weight.

Rule 4: Exercise
The final rule, the one WLS despise the most, patients must exercise every day.

Nothing is more disappointing than hearing a gastric bypass patient brag that they didn?t have to exercise to lose weight. It?s true; patients will lose weight without lifting a finger. But patients who do not use the time of rapid weight loss to incorporate exercise into their lifestyle are doing themselves a grave disservice.

Obesity cripples the body. Bone tissues are compromised, joints are swollen, the vascular system is inadequate and the skeleton overburdened. As weight is lost, the burden on the bones, joints and vascular system is decreased. However, the body is a magnificent machine. Given proper nutrition and physical motion it will rebuild its broken framework. Th! e system s can become strong and vital.

The most effective way to heal the body from the ravages of obesity is to exercise. Exercise means moving the body: walking, stretching, bending, inhaling and exhaling. Exercise is the most effective, most enjoyable, most beneficial gift one can bestow on themselves in the recovery from life threatening, crippling morbid obesity. People who successfully maintain their weight exercise daily.

Successful weight loss surgery patients will tell you these are the four rules they live by, that the gastric bypass is only a tool to facilitate mindful behavior for better health. They will confirm that weight control, even with surgery, takes a lifetime of diligent attention to their bodies and behavior. They will assure you it isn?t easy, but the results are worth the effort.

Kaye Bailey is a weight loss surgery success story having maintained her health and goal weight for 5+ years. An award winning journalist, she is the author of many articles about life after gastric bypass. Ms. Bailey is the webmaster of and Fresh & insightful content is added daily, check in often.


Malignant Melanoma

A melanoma is a cancerous tumor that starts in melanin-generating cells (color-giving pigment). Once thought of as a rare disease, the yearly frequency of melanoma has increased noticeably.

Extreme exposure to sun is one major reason for contracting this disease. People who regularly expose themselves to the sun during peak mid-day hours, without adequate protection, are at a greater risk of getting melanoma. Exposure to the sun at a younger age puts you at risk throughout your lifetime.

Melanoma normally occurs on parts of the body receiving irregular sun exposure. This condition generally affects fair-skinned people. Not surprisingly, people from regions having sunny climates have greater chances of being affected by this disease.

However, sun exposure is not the sole way of developing this form of skin cancer; it can be genetic as well. Some people have a specific type of skin that engenders moles susceptible to the disease. Also, melanomas can occur on the areas of the body that get little or no sun exposure.

Dysplastic nevus syndrome, commonly called atypical mole syndrome, rarely affects the Caucasian population. There are two known forms of atypical mole syndrome. One is a hereditary atypical mole; the other is called melanoma syndrome. In the first case, members of a family will spot vast numbers of moles on their bodies. In the second instance, someone may just happen to have a lot of moles over his body, without it being a familial trait.

Generally, people do not get moles after the age of thirty; also, it is common for moles to fade away with age. When children about the age of five have moles on the hip, buttock or scalp, it should be seen as a warning indication. It is highly uncommon for a child to get skin cancer, yet some children have been fatally affected by it. Young people can be seriously affected by this form of cancer if not diagnosed and treated early.

Melanoma provides detailed information on Melanoma, Malignant Melanoma, Melanoma Cancer, ! Nodular Melanoma and more. Melanoma is affiliated with Ozone Generator.


Night Sweats and Chinese Herbs

Night Sweats are a common Menopause Symptom. Many Menopausal women experience Sweating with their Hot Flashes throughout the day. When it happens at night, though, it's a problem in itself. It can mean ruined sleep. Women typically wake up at 2-3 in the morning, soaked and burning. What a Drag!

One of the first is make sure you are DRINKING enough...fluids. That means water, juice, herb teas, etc. That means Two liters a day. Many women tell me they don't drink at all after their morning coffee.

First, let's look into how a Traditional Herbalist looks at Night Sweats.

Night Sweats in Chinese Medicine are understood to be Deep chronic Dehydration that has become inflamatory. TCM calls this Yin Deficiency. They don't even address it as a Menopause Symptom. Yet, the TCM approach works to treat it!

TCM calls these herbs Yin Tonics. Ayurveda would describe them as nourishing Kapha. These herbs Hydrate, coat,and soothe parched,inflamed muccous membranes. Common herbs that do this are:

Marshmallow(Althea), Asparagus ROOT,

Great Ayurvedic herbs are Shatavari(Asparagus Racemosa), and Amla(Emblica Myrobalani).

Spirulina is a Super Nutrient, that energizes and nourishes cells. Take 3-4 500 mg. tablets daily and watch your energy soar! It's an Incredible Fluid and Blood Builder. Spirulina is helpful for practically Any menopause symptom.

My favorite TCM herbs for this purpose are: Chinese Stellaria(YinChaiHu), Lycium Root(DiguPi), White Peony Rt.(BaiShao) and many others.

In addition to replacing the fluids, herbs that stop sweating are also good. Theses include:

WuWeZi(Schizandra seeds)
ShanZhuYu(Cornus berry)
FuXiaoMai(Wheat Grain)

TCM herbs are used together in formulas for best results. You can tincture any formula you see here and have a huge supply in a few weeks!

Personally, I Love Chinese Herbs when it comes to Efficient Night Sweat Relief.

Don't worry you don't have to know a thing about Chinese Herbs.

You can jus! t print the formulas and take them to a Chinese Herb store. They are actually prescriptions! Some Chinese Herbal Pharmacies will make up capsules for you. Many will make up powders.

Or you can buy the actual raw herbs and MAKE your own Herbal Medicine tinctures!

Of course you can always order any Tincture Formula you see online from Ultimate Menopause Herbal Tinctures!

Also, very effective is to gently boil the raw herbs for 20 minutes and simply drink the strong Decoction several times a day. This is the traditional way, but I haven't seen many people willing to put up with the hassle, bad smell or taste, for too long.

Here's Two Great formulas for Night Sweats:

The first is for Night Sweats that are really bad, as well as dehydration.

TCM for Night Sweats #1
2-part...WuWeZi(Schizandra seeds)
2-part...ShanZhuYu(Cornus berry)
2-part...FuXiaoMai(Wheat Grain)
1-part...HuangBai(Phellodendron Rt.)
1-part...ZhiMu(Anemarrhena Rt)
1-part...DiGuPi(Lycium Rt)
1-part...YinChaiHU(Stellaria Rt)
1-part...MuDanPi(Moutan Bark)
1-part...DanShen(Chinese Salvia)
1-part...JinYinHua(Honeysuckle blossoms)
2-part...QingHao(Sweet Artemesia)
2-part...BaiShao(White Peony Rt)
2-part...GouQiZi(Lycium Fruit)
2-part...NuZhenzi(Privet Fruit)
2-part...TianMenDong(Asparagus Rt)
1-part...TuSiZi(Dodder Seeds)

The second Night Sweats formula #2 is if you have a tendency to get Bloated or swollen:

TCM Night Sweats Buster #2

2-part...WuWeZi(Schizandra seeds)
2-part...ShanZhuYu(Cornus berry)
2-part...FuXiaoMai(Wheat Grain)
2-part...QingHao(Sweet Artemesia)
2-part...BaiShao(White Peony Rt)
2-part...GouQiZi(Lycium Fruit)
2-part...NuZhenzi(Privet Fruit)
2-part...TianMenDong(Asparagus Rt)
2-part...HuangBai(Phellodendron Rt.)
1-part...ZhiMu(Anemarrhena Rt)
1-part...DiGuPi(Lycium Rt)
1-part...YinChaiHU(Stellaria Rt)
1-part...MuDanPi(Moutan Bark)
1-part.! ..DanShe n(Chinese Salvia)
1-part...JinYinHua(Honeysuckle blossoms)
1-part...TuSiZi(Dodder Seeds)
1-part...WuWeZi(Schizandra seeds)
1-part...Houpo(Magnolia Bark)

If You want to try Western Herbs... Here's a Really effective Western Formula:

But, Relax, you don't have to copy it exactly to get good results. Even if you can't get all of the Herbs, it's OK. They are all designed to go well together. These Herbs also tincture well together.

Western Hot Flash Buster Formula:

3-parts...Marshmallow Rt.(Althea)
2-parts...Asparagus Rt.
2-parts...White Peony Rt.
2-parts...Spirulina Powder
1-part....Lemon Balm(Mellissa)
1-part....Dandelion Rt.(Taraxacum)
1/4-part..Turmeric Rt and/or...
1/4-part..Fennel seeds

This is Deeply Nourishing and Hydrating. Tincture and start to take by the teaspoon in 2 weeks. 3-4 times a day is good for mild Hot Flashes. Every few hours for Serious Night Sweats.

[Important!Don't forget, Alcohol in tinctures can Bother Night Sweats! If you are taking tinctures every few hours, the pour boiling water over the dose in a cup. When it cools off, Dilute well. That's enough to neutralize the alcohol for most people. You can also order the herbs in powder form and drink 1 teaspoon 3 X Day mixed with water. Or fill your own herbal capsules

Aliza Adar Levine RNMH is a Nurse,Midwife,TCM Herbalist,and Medical Researcher for over 20 years. Learn how to manage your own menopause naurally at and about other women's Health Issues at at


Adding Variety To Your Cardio Routine

Keeping up with an cardiovascular exercise over a long period of time involves finding new ways to enjoy your workouts and to challenge yourself? both physically and mentally.

In fact, pushing yourself to try new activities is critical to prevent plateaus in progress, boredom, and burn-out. Varying your cardio routine ensures you'll have more fun? and stay more consistent? with the habits required for lifelong health and fitness.

Why variation is so important

Making fitness a lifelong habit demands a willingness to consistently ?stretch? your comfort zone. Those afraid to ?try something new? often get bored with the same old cardio routine and before long lose interest in maintaining their efforts.

Those who push their limitations grow from their experiences and enjoy the confidence, health, and success that comes from new achievements. Varying your activity is a critical element to challenging your current limitations.

Top ten cardio activities

While the options are endless, listed are ten great ways to vary your cardio routine:

1. Wind sprints ? nothing will get your heart pumping and your lungs breathing faster than some sprinting. On the track, grass, or road- choose what terrain is available to you.

2. Swimming ? in the ocean, the lake, or the local Olympic size pool. Safe at any age, swimming is a great total body cardio routine and non-impact (good for joints) activity. Try alternating various strokes and pushing yourself for timed distances.

3. Cycling ? if you?ve got a road bike great, if not then an indoor model or ?trainer? will work fine as well. Spinning classes also offer a fun environment to push your cardio limits.

4. Rollerblading ? a great workout that challenges your lower body in a way unlike running or biking. Great exercise for the thighs, glutes, and hips. Also great training for those who enjoy the winter sports of snow skiing, ice skating and hockey.

5. Mountain biking ? with the popularity of ?off-road? cycling! , miles of trails in local parks or wooded areas are now easily accessible these days. Be sure to pack your safety gear and pick a trail that matches the level of your expertise!

6. Running hills ? depending on where you live, hills may or may not be readily available. Try challenging your self to sprint stadium stairs or a few flights in a local hotel or office building as a great substitute. Talk about a cardio routine blast? give it a shot and you?ll be amazed!

7. Jumping Rope ? you might think of double-dutch or one of the games you used to play when you were a kid, but simple, timed jump rope intervals provide a serious workout. There are also several different types of ropes available including ?speed? and ?weighted? ropes that provide the added benefit of an upper-body workout at the same time.

8. Rowing ? most of us don?t have access to a rowing shell, but fortunately many local health clubs offer alternatives. Rowing is a great way to work your core, back and legs at the same time. Some rowing machines even offer video components to make the experience like a fun video-game? complete with a computerized opponent to race!

9. Kickboxing ? if a martial arts class doesn?t interest you (or you?d prefer to work up to it), there are some great cardio kickboxing DVD?s available to turn your living room into a dojo. A brief search of finds sixteen options to choose from? give it a shot!

10. Yoga ? for clarity of mind, a good sweat, and flexibility at the same time, yoga offers tremendous benefits as part of a balanced health and fitness program. Many local facilities offer trial classes or home DVD?s are also available to fit into your ideal schedule.


Challenging your body and mind with new exercise activities is essential to avoiding plateaus, boredom and burnout. Pushing your limits ensures fun with maintaining the habits required for lifelong health and fitness success.

For more information

Call Hut Allred at 972.871.7575 or visit his! website at to request a 15 minute phone consultation to learn how he can help you customize a fitness and nutrition program to achieve your goals.


The Truth About Prostate Cancer Warning Signs

Prostate cancer warning signs...

Every man should be concerned about their prostate's health.

Indeed, for men not paying attention to it, it can be deadly as prostate cancer comes second only to lung cancer with respect to cancer-caused deaths for American men...and is near the top for Canadian men as well.

Prostate cancer is also the most common type of cancer for men in the United States. Tens of thousands of new cases are diagnosed yearly.

Although there is most likely a hereditary component to your chances of getting prostate cancer, like many things in life, a lot of it comes down to choices you make, such as taking quality prostate health promoting supplements and eating food for good prostate health.

Prostate cancer warning signs

Although the aforementioned prostate statistics don't seem to be good, the truth of the matter is that if prostate cancer is detected early, treatments are often very successful and chances of surviving are very high.

Therefore, one of the best things you can do other than take the necessary supplement and dietary steps to promote good prostate health is to have what is called a PSA test (prostate specific antigen tests) done every year. It doesn't take long and it's not painful so don't put it off.

The drawback of the PSA test is that it isn't perfect in what it reveals.

Now, what about prostate cancer warning signs?

Well, unfortunately, prostate cancer does not really give off any warning signs.

In addition, another confusing aspect is that most of the possible warning signs, if they appear, are also the same signs for other prostate health problems that are non-cancerous in nature, such as BPH, which is called an enlarged prostate gland.

However, these signs are still worth mentioning.

The following are some potential prostate cancer warning signs or signs of BPH:

  • incomplete emptying of the bladder
  • dribbling
  • difficulty starting urination
  • reduced force of the ! stream
  • frequent urination of small amounts
  • pain with urination
  • ejaculation pain
  • blood in the urine

Dietary and Supplement Protocols

Although saw palmetto is touted as the best herb to take for prostate health, it actually isn't. Something called Beta sitosterol is much better. Here's why:

Even the best Saw Palmetto supplements are comprised of 99% fatty acids and 1% sterols. The sterol component is where the therapeutic benefit lies (hence the name Beta Sitosterol).

In short, by taking Beta Sitosterol, you will be getting only the active component of Saw Palmetto that is responsible for its medicinal properties. Beta sitosterol is literally thousands of times more powerful than saw palmetto.

Other beneficial nutrients and supplements include: lycopene, pygeum, stinging nettle, and cornsilk.

With respect to food for good prostate health, recent research by the authoritative US National Cancer Institute revealed that men who consumed more than 1/3rd of an ounce of onions, scallions, garlic, chives per day were much less likely to have prostate cancer.

In conclusion, don't wait for prostate cancer warning signs or signs of other prostate problems to show up before you do anything about it.

On the other hand, if you are already experiencing possible signs of prostate problems, don't panic.

This is a very treatable condition if caught in its early stages. Just make sure you take appropriate action and talk to your doctor about it right away so you don't become a statistic.

Get more info on prostate cancer warning signs and supplements to consider using to promote prostate health at:


New Depression Info: How to Become More Optimistic

Are you a naturally optimistic person or do you find your self too often feeling sad and depressed, with a long face and a heavy heart? Most of us have heard about the importance of seeing the glass half full instead of seeing it half empty. We all know that positive, optimistic people are happier, healthier and more successful. But how does one go from feeling depressed and pessimistic to becoming happy and naturally optimistic?

If you are feeling pessimistic right now, you probably feel doubtful that you could actually change the way you see the world, but I want you to know that it really is possible! Just because you?re feeling sad and depressed today doesn?t mean you have to live that way for the rest of your life. In my work as a psychotherapist, I?ve helped many people make that important change. I know that you can do it too.

I?ve identified a few steps that will accelerate your journey from pessimism and depression to optimism and light-heartedness. I suggest that you make a vow to yourself that you will try them every day for one month and then watch and see what happens in your life!

1. Learn to identify your feelings and process through them until you release them. Identifying what you really feel and processing through your feelings is the most important step in this process. When authentic release from the emotional pain happens, you will feel free of the negativity and full of creative ideas about how to handle the difficult situation better in the future. When you don't process through your feelings, you keep accumulating negative feelings that turn into ugly negative attitudes over time. Holding negative attitudes over time causes depression, while releasing the feelings leads to natural joy and light-heartedness.

2. Build a healthy support system and surround your self with friends who are also interested in personal growth. Join a support group or a positive activity where you can make some real friends. True friends are people who want you to be the happy, c! onfident , optimistic person you can be! True friends will also do anything they can to help you get past your depression and pessimism to become your true, happy, light-hearted self, including helping you deal with difficult issues that you may want to avoid facing.

3. Get out in nature every day and go for a half hour walk! Being out in nature helps to lift your spirits and see things in more positive, optimistic ways, and walking a half hour three times a week is said to be comparable to taking an anti-depressant, minus all the negative side effects.

4. Ask for divine help from your Higher Power, even if you don?t know what that means. There is a power greater than you who is always available to help you if you simply ask. You don?t have to join an organized religion or go through any traditional rituals. Simply talk to your Higher Power in your mind and ask for help and guidance in your life and then watch and see what happens! Your Higher Power will undoubtedly guide you to a more optimistic outlook. Remember to be also grateful for the help and guidance you receive.

5. Practice the art of healing laughter every hour and every day of your life! If you've forgotten how to laugh, imagine yourself laughing like you did as a child every day until you find a way to make it happen! Your imagination offers a powerful suggestion to your unconscious mind that will naturally be created in your life in fun, serendipitous ways! It?s hard to stay pessimistic and depressed when you are laughing regularly. Just practicing laughter, itself, could help you wake up one day as a positive, happy, optimistic person!

Copyright ? 2006 Kari Joys. All rights reserved.

Why spend another day feeling depressed when you can begin this exciting emotional healing journey right now? Even if you grew up in an extremely dysfunctional family, with patience and persistence you could actually overcome a lifetime of negative patterns by following Kari Joys? simple 33-day emotional healing journey!

Kari Joys MS! is a hi ghly recognized psychotherapist, a skilled group facilitator, and a powerful energy therapist in private practice for over twenty years. If you're ready to change your life, visit


Why Mind Over Matter Matters

Okay, so you made the decision to improve your health. You?re taking your vitamins, you?ve given up smoking and junk food, and you?ve decided to buy a juicer to take advantage of the health benefits of juicing. All good things. And, according to the latest studies, all things that may help in cancer treatment and prevention, as well as the treatment and prevention of a host of other ailments, including heart disease, asthma, allergies and high blood pressure. But, don?t overlook one important element in helping your body stay healthy.

Your mind.

That?s right, your mind. It?s called the Mind/Body connection. In a nutshell, what you believe in your mind can influence things in your body.

It?s known that anxiety can make any illness worse. Anxiety can make pain feel worse, lower defenses that allow a cold virus to take hold, and can aid in raising your blood pressure. Sometimes the simple act of relaxing can do wonders for your health. That?s all part of the mind/body connection.

You?ve heard of the ?placebo effect? haven?t you? That?s when you get better thinking you?re taking a certain medication, only to find out you were really taking a sugar pill. In almost all studies of medications, there?s a certain percentage of people who improve taking the placebo. Why? Because they thought they were taking the real thing. They expected to feel better and they did.

Now, am I saying you can conquer any illness just by thinking yourself healthy? No. And, if you have any symptoms that concern you, you should see a health-care professional. But, using the power of positive thinking, belief and relaxation techniques in conjunction with healthy eating and modern medicine can certainly help with the treatment of any disease. It can lower anxiety, which can help improve any anxiety-related illness. It can ease nausea in cancer patients, which can help with certain procedures. It can lessen the effects of pain.

One way to increase positive belief is with hypnosis ! or self- hypnosis. Hypnosis allows you to get to that deep state of relaxation where you bypass the critical beta mind. Once in a relaxed trance state it?s good to imagine or visualize your body as perfectly healthy, and repeat positive affirmations to yourself about your body being in perfect health.

How does one get into a trance state? One way, of course, is to see a hypnotherapist who will use techniques to hypnotize you. Another way is to hypnotize yourself using self-hypnosis. The simple version is this: Sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and begin actively imagining your body relaxing. Take several deep breathes, breathing in relaxation and exhaling any tensions. Start with your feet and imagine them as deeply relaxed. Work your way up your body, imagining that every breath you take brings the relaxation up into the rest of your body. Take your time. It?s not a race. When you?re through actively imaging your body relaxed, take yourself even deeper and imagine yourself going down an elevator, or a staircase, imagining every step down you?re getting even deeper. I use a staircase of 21 stairs and count down. You can use any number you like. When you?ve reached 0 tell yourself you?re in deep sleep, and tell yourself that every time you go down the staircase in your mind you will be deeply relaxed. At this point you imagine your body as healthy, while repeating your affirmations to yourself. Then, when you?re through, just count yourself up and out from 0 to five, telling yourself to open your eyes, and that you?re wide awake and alert.

Your self-hypnosis session needn?t be long - 5 or 10 minutes will do. But, practiced daily will certainly help in relieving tensions and anxiety that can weaken your health.

And, remember, don?t throw away the juicer or the vitamins. Juicers and vitamins and walking and eating healthy, as well as regular medical checkups, are all part of staying healthy. Remember, it?s called the mind/body connection.

Shari Hearn, is a w! riter an d certified hypnotist in Southern California. You can visit her juicing website at


A Fish Oil Capsule A Day

Taken as a dietary supplement, a fish oil capsule every day will provide the body with omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to the health of the heart, brain and nervous system. And because the body uses omega-3 fatty acids to produce eicosanoids, which help the body absorb calcium and other trace elements, taking fish oil capsules with your daily vitamin supplement will enhance the effectiveness of your other vitamins.

Many doctors recommend a fish oil capsule as a dietary supplement, even if a person eats fish as often as three to five times a week. Recommended dosage varies from two to five grams per day. Dosage variations for fish oil capsules are not dependent on patient condition, but doctor preference. The body cannot produce omega-3 fatty acids, so they must be obtained from the foods we eat or from a quality fish oil supplement.

Fish oils have been advocated by natural health experts to help alleviate depression and attention deficit disorder with positive results in their patients. In the case of depression, a combination of two specific omega-3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA) achieved the greatest results. It is therefore considered important that a fish oil capsule contain both DHA and EPA fatty acids.

A fish oil capsule should contain purified fish oil from a fish not likely to swim in polluted waters since some studies have found contaminants in fish oil capsules. Some companies use the term ?pharmaceutical grade fish oil? which is purified fish oil.

Health supplement companies should be able to provide the consumer with information about the purity of the fish oil, the purification method, the EPA and DHA content and the fish source. A fish oil capsule from the Hoki fish of New Zealand is an excellent choice, because the Hoki is naturally high in EPA and DHA omega 3 fatty acids and comes from pristine waters.

Fish oil capsules are tasteless and odorless and provide healthy amounts of omega-3 acids in an easy to swallow form. The omega-! 3 EPA an d DHA are easier for the body to use than plant sources of Omega 3 (known as ALA) which is the omega-3 found in such things as flaxseed oil. The body has to turn ALA into EPA and DHA, and the conversion may not happen smoothly.

In short, a fish oil capsule is the best known source of naturally occurring EPA and DHA.

Discover the best fish oil capsule products we've found through extensive research. These are the fish oil supplements that we take ourselves each and every day. Visit now.


Tummy Tuck Advantages and Disadvantages

This would be a costly solution to just one area that some women feel is one of the problem areas of their body. That a lot of insurances will not cover unless the operation is needed for life or death, yet there are times that it would still be a fight. More or less it comes to be an out of pocket expense to you.

There are many advantage and disadvantages to this operation. One of the disadvantages that come with the surgery is the scaring on their stomach that may reside there for weeks or months before the stomach and scares are completely healed.

But yet to many women the reward of having a flat stomach just like a model is the best reward of all. Just like any other women they would like to see the reaction of men out in the street, at work, and their better half at home with the new and approved look that they received.

Some might even have the operation done before a class reunion so they can prove to old class mates that still look good, or for some that they have lost a great deal of weight since school. Some might have it done so they can look good for a vacation or in that new swim suit that they went and purchased for summer.

You could not just get the operation done and forget it you have to keep up with it as well For instance to keep the great looking abs you would still half to continue to exorcise and eat healthy just to keep their new and approved stomach in the shape that they are pleased with. That alone will be a large task for some of us to keep up with.

This is one operation that you should not take with ease you would need to do a lot of investigating in the doctors and the recovery time that you would need to recover from the surgery.

For more information about Tummy Tuck, please check out:


Help is Here for Employers Wanting Their Workforce to Stop Smoking

According to a recent report from the Associated Press, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate $92 billion in lost wages annually in the United States from smokers who die prematurely. The article also states the economic cost of smoking includes $75.5 billion per year in direct health care costs.

Several employers are desperately trying to help their workers break the smoking habit, not just for their health care costs but also for the general well being of their employees, long after they have left the company. Even ABC?s popular Boston Legal aired an episode recently about an employer trying to assert authority over an employee to stop smoking in an effort to lower health costs.

Some companies have found the services of breakthrough smoke cessation programs. The approach has helped thousands in Europe rid the smoking habit and has seen early success in its infancy in New York.

Rick Tejpaul spearheads one such program. He states,?Health costs and lost wages, along with productivity have recently been under the microscope due to smoking habits of the American workforce.? He continues, ?In the last few weeks we have been called by quite a few companies asking us to come in and help their workforce with the process of quitting smoking.?

There are companies that are contemplating increasing the premiums for their smoking workers. Most do not want to get to this point. Decision makers within corporate are willing to pay for smoke cessation programs. Smoking is at an all time low in this country and individuals, corporations and the medical field are seeking support. All that is required is a motivated person who wants to quit.

For more information on this European, patented method please visit for more information.

Dr. Evelyn Heredia-Eckerle is a Family Chiropractor. She is a Member of the ICA(International Chiropractic Association), and Director of Phoenix Chiropractic and Wellness Center. The center is located at 288 ! Hempstea d Avenue, West Hempstead, NY 11552. You may contact her at: or visit:


Walk 10000 Steps to Improve Health and Fitness

It?s a fact, America is becoming obese at an alarming rate and the rest of the world is following close behind. We are eating more (and more of the wrong stuff) and exercising less or getting no exercise at all. Our health is in steep decline and doctor and hospital visits are at all time highs. Just a brisk 30-minute walk a day can begin to turn that around.

You name it, we have it, and it?s getting worse. Heart and cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, stroke, out of control blood sugar levels, diabetes, obesity, and more. The U.S. Surgeon General recommends getting at least 20-30 minutes of moderate activity each day and many of us are falling far short of even that.

Studies show the average person takes about 3000 to 5000 steps a day, and some even much less. Let?s face it, we just do not get the exercise our ancestors did a hundred or so years ago and we tend to eat more refined foods. For some of us, most of steps we take are from the easy chair in front of the TV to the fridge so we can fill up on snacks. For others, like me, we sit at a computer all day as part of our jobs.

Many fitness experts recommend we walk 10,000 steps a day to maintain our weight and overall good health. 10,000 steps are approximately 5 miles, give or take depending on the length of your stride. You will need to purchase and wear a pedometer to count how many steps you take each day. Follow the directions that usually come with the pedometer. Do this for a week or two and you will get a good average step count. Your goal is to reach 10,000 or more steps each day. There is nothing magical about 10,000, but it will put you in the right ballpark.

As a general rule, a person will burn about 100 calories walking a mile, depending on age, size, and fitness level. The heavier you are, the more calories you will burn.

Become creative on ways to increase your steps. At work, go for walks at lunchtime. Go for walks with your spouse or children. Walk the dog. Walk to the store instead of drivin! g, or pa rk at the far end of the parking lot. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. For me, I take brisk 2-mile walks around the neighborhood twice a day everyday (aerobic walking). Just do whatever works best for you, but do it! You will need good walking shoes and socks to prevent injury when walking for exercise (like aerobic walking).

Go to your favorite search engine and type in ?10,000 steps? to learn more about this life saving, life changing program. The information is abundant.

Ron Gregory is a technical writer and writes operational and technical service manuals for medical devices and scientific instruments used in hospitals worldwide.

Please visit Ron?s health and fitness website Blue Sea Health and his article directory website ?Blue Sea Articles?.


Essential Hearing Aid Tips

Hearing loss is such a devastating condition. It completely shuts down your ability to listen to your surroundings and appreciate the acoustic beauty found in nature?s visual landscape. This incapacitation no longer remains a matter of great concern today due to the newest hearing aid technology.

How do hearing aids work?

Hearing aids are powerful devices which help individuals suffering from hearing loss. They physically restore the ability to hear with great flexibility. This flexibility means adjusting the hearing volume according to your hearing preferences. Hearing devices are many and each offers a host of features. Other hearing Devices are equipped with tuning knob to help clientele calibrate the sounds as they hear it. If the sound is too low, patients can adjust them in such a way that they would be able to catch it to maximize auditory comprehension. If the sound is too loud, it can level it up with sounds produced softly. In many cases, soft, average and loud sounds are amplified on equal levels. This is an example of linear sound processing system.

There are various ways to take advantage of buying hearing aids.
- Online purchase
- Direct through hearing aid manufacturers
- Through registered audiologists (medical professionals who specialize in treating hearing-related illnesses)

Tips on procuring the right hearing aid for you:

1. Seek the help of a professional:

Due to the boom of World Wide Web and the rampant practice of sedentary lifestyle, more and more people are getting hooked up to buying listening devices online even without undergoing an extensive hearing aid evaluation examination. A patient should have completed a comprehensive hearing test before taking advantage of the benefits provided by the hearing aid. Buying hearing aids without going through a valid audiological evaluation reduces your chances of optimizing the benefits that the hearing devices provide.

2. Convenience:

No matter how techie the gadget is and ! its prof ound benefit it theoretically provides to patients, if it?s a burden to carry, it will definitely defeat the very purpose of the treatment program. Many hearing aid styles discussed on the next section of this article offer a wide array of hearing aid modes that suits a range of clients taste and personal preferences. These listening tools share similar functionalities but offer different optimization level.

3. Consider Opinions:

Nothing can beat the benefits of a personal experience. Listening to the advice of others who have used some of the products in the market will furnish you a considerable amount of details about which product will best fit you. It should, however, be emphasized that this is not a substitute to the professional help of a doctor who is qualified to verify devices that are most appropriate for you.

4. Budget Concerns:

Manufacturers use sophisticated technology, employing millions of dollars in the research, and the manufacture of these instruments. Also, the maintenance of a hearing aid manufacturing facility has a lot to do with why the cost of the product of this technology continues to rise. So while the best devices are typically the most expensive, there are products in the market which offer similar functionalities while not stripping off those hard-earned dollars in your pocket.

5. Stick with the Evaluation:

Most hard of hearing people tend to underestimate the findings provided in the hearing evaluation, as a result, they turn into manufacturers that, more than ever, sell cheap and poor quality hearing aid devices. Remember to consult an audiologist before making a purchase.

For more great hearing aid related articles and resources check out


Using Laser Treatment to Help You Quit Smoking

Using laser treatment to quit smoking is considered to be one of the most effective smoking cessation methods. This method was introduced to the public only in the recent years and is considered to be a rather modern and even innovation method.

The laser quit smoking system is based upon a simple and very old principle. It is a well known fact that certain point in human body are nerve centers and they can encourage changes in the body. This principle is used in many disciplines such as acupuncture, reflexology, shiatsu and more. The point is, if you apply pressure to certain points in human body, you can get certain predictable effects.

This principle is used in stop smoking laser treatment. Low intensity laser beam is applied to those specific point in your body. The result is an almost immediate reduction of the cravings that accompany the smoking cessation.

This way you can go through the first stages of quitting smoking without the cravings associated with them.

Naturally, reducing the cravings is not always enough, as there are more aspects to quitting smoking. Therefore, the laser treatment goes very well along with behavioral therapy that will eliminate the psychological aspects of addiction. The laser simply deals with the physical Nicotine addiction. The treatment is very clean and has no side effects, like some of the medications people take to quit smoking.

So, is Laser treatment to quit smoking a good idea for you?

Well, you must consider the following:

* It could be quit expensive. Prices very, and you should compare a few clinics before choosing. Some health insurances cover the cost of this treatment, so check it with your health insurance.

* You should plan to combine the laser treatment with behavioral therapy. Undergoing a laser treatment only will not give you good results in many cases.

Besides from that, laser treatment to quit smoking is a good choice to make as a quit smoking aid. Just remember that you really have to want ! to quit in order to make it. Laser treatment will help, but it's you that actually quits smoking.

Quitting smoking is not easy, but can be done. Be sure to get all the Smoking Cessation advice you need to start on your way to a new life, today!


Trigeminal Neuralgia The Worst Pain Known To Man?

My Story

I first suffered from Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN or tic douloureux) in 1995 when I was 28. At this time I didn't have a clue what the pain was that I was suffering from. I was in the RAF and had just returned from a tour of duty in the Falkland Islands. During this period I had the odd twinge, but in no way could this be described as pain. On my return the pain increased, so I went to see many dental specialists in the RAF. I was treated with root canal treatment, Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. For this the dental technicians made me a couple of splints for my bottom teeth. These were 1 and 2mm in thickness. I wore them for approximately 6 months, but unfortunately they made no difference, as I wasn't suffering from it. The intense pain affected an area on the right hand side of my face from the chin to below the right ear.

None of the treatment that went on for about 18 months proved successful because at this time they didn?t know what I was suffering. The pain got so intense and my job didn?t help as I worked on nights as a radio operator. Part of my job was to wear head phones, these only made the problem worse. Talking was difficult, eating was hard and life wasn?t too pleasant. Temazepam did no good either, the pain was the worst I had ever suffered.

The turning point in my condition came a year after leaving the RAF when I discovered the Internet. I went to Google and typed in ?intense facial pain? and waited for the results to come back. I found all sorts of links, but one of the sites listed struck me. I went there and the symptoms described were very similar to what I was suffering. The pain is best described as a bolt of lightning shooting through one side of the face. The pain is intense, perhaps in my case going on for a few minutes at a time. There was very little that could be done to halt the onslaught. Direct pressure over the area had some affect, but didn?t take the pain away.

The triggers for the pain can be as mundane as brushing your teeth, a bre! ath of w ind or simply talking. Winter and its icey winds were a lot worse than summer warmth. But by far the worst offender is eating. Eating can be a nightmare, during the worst episodes it wasn?t uncommon to lose weight. I wouldn?t waste my time eating things like apples, lettuce and other food that didn?t contain any calories. While to most people these foods are fine, to a TN sufferer like me these are foods best avoided, otherwise you will lose weight. When driving a car even the road surface would have an affect on whether the pain kicked in or not. Even when there was no pain, it was sitting there in the background waiting for the trigger to release its latest onslaught of ultra pain - imagine tooth ache, only 10 times worse! - honest.

Having found what I thought was the problem I was suffering from I took my findings to Goole Hospital. The Ears, Nose and Throat specialist confirmed what I thought and he prescribed me Tegretol. Almost immediately I felt some relief from the pain. Initially my dosage was kept low until I was on the high end of the dosage. The problem I found with Tegretol was memory loss, and a general feeling of ?fuzziness?. I couldn?t come off them as the pain was too intense, but they were becoming less and less useful to my condition. Sometimes, dependent on the dose I took that day, and the amount of food I ate I had a feeling of slight overdose - dizzy isn't the word. It only happened a couple of times, and it wasn't pleasant.

The specialist at Goole referred me to a Consultant Neurosurgeon at Hull Royal. Here I had an MRI brain scan in the Hull Royal Scan Unit, this confirmed, and gave a better indication of what was going on. Armed with my scans I then went to see one of the Neurologists at the hospital. He thought it be a good idea if I was admitted as soon as possible for an operation to numb the pain. I was admitted into hospital on the Monday morning a month later.

Radio Frequency Coagulation Operation
The operation I was going to have was a Radio Frequenc! y Coagul ation. This is administ

The author is still pain free thanks to the MVD performed in Hull Royal. (MY Trigeminal Neuralgia) - TN Resources


Diet Tips Five Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast!

Many people hate the idea of rigid diets - the good news is that if follow the five proven weight loss tips below, you will lose weight easily.

The diet tips require no real willpower and can improve anyone?s diet and chances of healthy weight control.

1. Drink Water

One of the most effective diet tips is to drink plenty of water. In fact, water is possibly the single most important catalyst in losing weight and keeping it off.

Water acts as a natural appetite suppressant by keeping your stomach full and fending off dehydration that leads to hunger cravings. Water also provides the additional benefit of flushing out toxins from the body and keeping it hydrated.

Water also helps your body metabolize stored fat by helping the kidneys flush out waste. When you don?t drink enough water the liver that works to provide stored fat for energy also takes on the role of helping the kidneys eliminate waste and thus becomes less effective at metabolizing fat.

2. Eat Breakfast

Many people believe one of the best diet tips is skipping breakfast, as it will help them lose weight, this is totally incorrect. Skipping breakfast can make you hungrier later in the day leading to distorted satiety signals (i.e. it's hard to determine when you're full). This can actually result in eating more as a result.

If you don?t have time to eat breakfast or don?t like to, at least have a liquid meal to fuel your body after sleeping and having no nutrition for several hours.

3. Increase Fibre Intake

Eating lots of foods rich in fibre helps keep food moving through your bowels. Just like water, fiber rich foods bulk you up and make you feel full. In fact, the average person could lose around 10 pounds a year just from doubling their fiber intake.

High fiber foods are generally low in calories and fill you up, so eating more of them means you?re eating fewer calories and leaving less room for calories from other foods. Fiber also cuts calories by attaching itself to some! of the other proteins and fats that you eat and eliminates them as well.

The average person consumes about 8g of fiber per day, but many experts recommend 25g. Start your day with a high fiber cereal and keep eating fibre throughout the day.

4. Eat Healthy Fats

Many experts claim that fat causes obesity, raises your cholesterol and causes heart disease, but this is not strictly true. If fat is all that bad, why is it part of our natural diet chain? The reason is fat can be very good for you.

Fat provides the body with essential fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic acids) needed for normal reproduction and growth, as well as for production of prostaglandin, a hormone like compound that regulates blood pressure, blood clotting, and inflammation.

When eating fats you should eat healthy fats. Eating ?healthy? fats includes the cold-water fish, mackerel and salmon, nuts, and olive oil. By eating healthy fats over unhealthy ones you will lose weight.

5. Lean Protein

Protein is a great weight control tool because of the immediate satiety factor and because it keeps you full for longer periods. It also balances out carbs by preventing insulin spikes that can lead to a drain in energy and sugar cravings.

Protein also helps maintain muscle mass, which is very important in the fat burning process. At least 20% of calories should be in the form of protein.

More dieting and general health information and FREE exclusive diet and health magazines, are available on our web site:


Microdermabrasion Crystals : What you absolutely must know !

The process of microdermabrasion involves the spraying of finely ground microdermabrasion crystals (sand-like particles / aluminum oxide typically) on to the surface of the skin in order to gently abrade and peel away the old skin and exfoliate all the dead cells. This results in a cleaner fresher and younger skin on the surface which many patients have described as a sheer reversal of aging. In this entire process, the knowledge of the small particles that help you regain your youth is at a minimum and that?s what we will concentrate on addressing.

Most such processes with microdermabrasion crystals use one form of aluminum oxide or the other as the abrading material so this article will focus on just that. Aluminum oxide chemical formula Al2O3 is a recommended substance for this procedure and is cleared for non-toxicity due to accidental ingestion and doesn?t provoke any harmful side effects or surface skin reactions. Before the start of any microdermabrasion crystals procedure, care is taken to ensure that this aluminum oxide is high on purity from unwanted particles for example silica which is present in the source. The purification process is enabled through a technical rigorous procedure of melting and re-crystallizing the native aluminum oxide.

While the inhalation of microdermabrasion crystals such as aluminum oxide by itself does not have adverse biological reactions in the body, the introduction of any particulate matter in the lungs could possibly cause a breathing impairment, nasal irritation and induced coughing. Therefore before you undergo this treatment, make sure that your medical practitioner takes care to sufficiently cover your nostrils and eyes before starting the procedure. Microdermabrasion crystals thus when used carefully can bring immense benefits to the human body than any negative reaction that could possibly have you in two minds about the treatment.

Keep in mind that this knowledge of microdermabrasion crystals is just so that you are aware of what you g! o throug h. The technique itself is very clean and there is almost no instance of residual particulate matter left on the skin. Summarily, we would just like to say, that if you find yourself suitable for undergoing this treatment, just go ahead and take one more step closer to the heydays of your youth!

Visit our site at Microdermabrasion Info & Articles to read everything you ever wanted to know about microdermabrasion, its benefits, the cost involved, what precautions to take and much more !

? 2005, Sam Natarajan. This article is courtesy of Microdermabrasion Secrets

You may publish it at no cost, as long as the links are left intact, made live, and this notice stays in place.


Symptoms of Shingles

The symptoms of shingles tend to be mistaken for colon illnesses. The symptoms of shingles can end up as a very painful experience. The first, most apparent symptoms of shingles outbreaks a harsh pain which may occur in the leg or arm. Symptoms of shingles can also include feeling a sick stomach as well as a headache and high temperature. The symptoms are generally very close to that of the flu considering the pains and aches as well as a high temperature. The shingles symptoms are very often confused with more serious ailments such as pneumonia as the symptoms seem to copy other diseases. Shingles may appear as more of a sickness than a virus which can reoccur.

Shingles itself occurs when the body cannot keep the chickenpox virus under control. People who have shingles may notice the symptoms also include tingling on one side of the body and burning. The virus tends to cause a mass amount of pain in those it appears on. This pain generally makes it very hard to move. Generally the most painful shingles symptom will be the constant body aches and pain going through the body just days before the outbreak of shingles emerges. Shingles symptoms eventually lead to an outbreak of blisters on the skin which is the most apparent sign a person has a shingles infection.

Shingles is a lot like the chickenpox only it occurs in people who are much older, usually in their golden years. The blisters which are caused by shingles and are the defining symptom of shingles are very painful and occur in groups. With the shingles virus there will be a large area of red inflamed skin and blisters will cover that area. The blisters of shingles tend to be filled with liquid, which is another symptom or sign which is readily obvious it is more serious than having a rash or something like eczema. The one symptom which may help determine that a person has shingles is the fact where the body hurts is always where the shingles outbreak will occur.

There is a treatment which will help a person get rid of shingles! . When t he symptoms of shingles appear people can be ready for them. There is a treatment which will help a person get rid of shingles. It is called heal shingles and is an all natural oil made by a company called Healing Natural Oils. This product will help to relieve and get rid of the painful blister that shingles causes.


How Many Calories Do I Need Per Day?

How Do I Calculate Caloric Needs Based On My Goal (gain/loss/maintain)?

Listen, figuring out how many calories a day you need to lose weight, maintain your weight or gain weight really isn?t too hard. And with the formula I?m about to give you plus a very cool website, you can easily track where you are and what you need to do daily to reach your goals. So lets? begin!


Step 1:

Take your current body weight in pounds (lbs) and multiply by 11.

Example: 194 lbs x 11 = 2134 calories

This is what I need to just keep what I have, without moving. But remember, you do move. So you have to then calculate your metabolic factors into this? so off to step 2?

Step 2:

Figure out your metabolic factor according to the table below.

But first, some definitions to help you determine where you might fit in:

Slow Metabolism: You basically look at food and you seem to put on pounds. You can gain weight by eating salads but it?s difficult to lose the weight.

Moderator Metabolism: You can gain weight if you try. You can lose weight if you try. You really don?t have trouble losing weight depending on what you want to do.

Fast Metabolism: You are the skinny guy or gal who can eat *ANYTHING* and it makes no difference. Gaining weight is difficult. Losing weight can happen overnight. Just by watching T.V. you seem to shed pounds.

Metabolic %

Under 30 years old
Slow Metabolism-30%
Moderate Metabolism-40%
Fast Metabolism-50%

30-40 years old
Slow Metabolism-25%
Moderate Metabolism-35%
Fast Metabolism-45%

Over 40 years old
Slow Metabolism-20%
Moderate Metabolism-30%
Fast Metabolism-40%

Example: 2134 calories x 35% = 746.90

I took my calories needed above just to sit here and not move and multipled it by my metabolic factor and I find that I need an additional 746.90 calories because of m! y specif ic metabolism.

Step 3:

Put it together.

2134 + 746.90 = 2880.90 calories

I need 2,880.90 calories to maintain my current weight with my current activities.

Note: You can also adjust your metabolic factor if you do something that might take you to the next level. If you are a moderator metabolism person but you do distance running, it might make more sense to put your self in the fast category since you burn a lot more calories.

Step 4:

Now change the above with about 500 calories every day to reach your goals!

Lose Weight: I would take 2880.90 ? 500 = 2380.90

Maintain Weight: I would just leave it at 2880.90 and continue what I was doing in my activities

Gain Weight: I would take 2880.90 + 500 = 3380.90

Note: 500 calories a day is just a general term everybody uses to say that adding this amount is within safe limits. Eat too much, and you end up storing fat. Cut too many calories and your body just goes into starvation mode and ends up retaining more fat. 500 is a safe, recommended guideline.

Step 5:

You must track what you are eating so you?ll know if you?ve made your goal for the day. And tracking food does not have to be complicated with weights and scales.

It's a shame that so many people just start training and never figure out what they need to eat daily to reach their goals.

You can keep doing the math over and over as you reach a goal. If you are bulking, your requirements will change as you progress. And when you lose weight they will as well. You might want to lose weight, reach a target weight and then maintain. So you will do this formula again when you have hit the weight you want.

Marc David is a bodybuilder, writer, and author of the the e-book The Beginner's Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding (BGFB): What Every Beginner Should Know but Probably Doesn't. The Beginner's Guide is oriented towards fitness minded men and women who are just starting or have worked out for years without ! results. To learn more about the Beginner's Guide, visit Beginning-Bodybuilding at:


Help for Your Snoring

One of the first things is to look at your problem and ask yourself, or better yet ask your spouse, significant other, or family members, and see if you are a minor snorer, snoring a few time a week and not too loudly, or do you snore every night and snore so loud that the paint is coming off the walls?

If it is the major type, you should see your doctor and make sure that a serious medical condition is not underlying your snoring.

Whether you have done that, or not, the next step is to take a look at yourself and your lifestyle.

* Are you truly an ideal weight for your height? If not it could simply be the excess weight that is causing the snoring. Lose the weight and you will lose your snore.

* Do you sleep on your back? You could start sleeping on your side. A remedy for staying off your back is to sew a sock to the back of your PJ's, you could just pin it too, and put a small ball in the sock or pocket. A golf ball or even a walnut will make so uncomfortable to sleep on your back, you'll quickly be staying of it all together.

If you are over weight too, sleeping on your back can even be worse as you have a lot of excess weight around your neck.

* Maybe you just have hay fever, or asthma? Is the pollen count high, or it could be a certain food you are eating? You may just be having allergic response that is causing inflammation of your mucous membranes which in turn will lead to snoring. Ask your partner if your snoring is worse some times than others and see if you can find a link perhaps between a time of year or a food stuff and your snoring.

* Dairy products, milk, yogurt, cheese, even ice cream can increase the amount of mucous in your system and restricts your airways. You may want to eliminate milk and milk products from your diet for a month to see if your snoring improves.

* If you aren't exercising already, start exercising. Besides helping with weight loss, if that is a problem, it will help in so many ways, lower your stress levels, open u! p your a ir ways, lower blood pressure, make you feel more energetic and just help you sleep better.

There are many ways to incorporate exercise into your day without going to the gym ? walking around the block, swimming, taking the stair not the elevator, parking a way back from the store you are going to and walking all that way, etc.

It is important, when, especially when carrying excess weight, to get a medical check up and talk with your doctor before starting a new exercise program and to start off slowly building up frequency and duration of exercise sessions as you lose the weight and achieve higher levels of fitness.

* The following are a number of very specific exercises that I have next to my bed and I do the different ones whenever I can ?

In a very controlled manner, slowly open and close your mouth to its full extent. Make sure your lips meet when closing.

Pucker up as if to blow a kiss and hold for 5 seconds before relaxing.

Practice smiling, make it big, generous and exaggerated. Once again hold the position for 5 seconds before relaxing.

Press your lips tightly together and hold for 5 seconds before relaxing.

Press your lips firmly and then pretend to sip a drink making a sipping noise.

Stick your tongue right out. Keep it straight and horizontal, don't allow any drooping.

With your tongue sticking right out move it from side to side making it reach each corner of your lips.

Practice reaching for your chin with the tip of your tongue.

Practice reaching for the tip of your nose with your tongue.

Hold a spoon against your sticking out tongue and exert pressure as if to push the tongue back into the mouth. Resist the pressure with the tongue ? push back against the spoon.

Say ?Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma' as quickly as possible being sure to pronounce both letters.

Say ??La-La-La-La' as quickly as possible being sure to pronounce both letters.

Say ?Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka' as quickly as possible being sure to pronounce both letters.!

S ay ?Kala-Kala-Kala-Kala' as quickly as possible being sure to pronounce both letters.

Say or sing all of the vowel sounds (A-E-I-O-U) as loudly as you can.

Overcome your snoring problem once and for all ? get those muscles of the throat jaw and neck firmed and toned and stop the flabbiness blocking your airways.

If you need remedies to help you stop snoring click on over to Mike Herman's site


Dry Itchy Skin? Consider Fish Oils and Chlorine Filters

Patient came in yesterday to our teaching clinic and reporting how she was doing with her horribly dry and itchy skin and scalp. She had been in a month prior in despair.

She had been recommended to take fish oil a few times a day. Her improvement was excellent yet not completely resolved.

My first thought was to include a shower filter which would remove the harmful effects of chlorine.

Dry skin's main cause is either due to:

  • diet
  • environmental
Watching TV now is killing me with all the ads for lotions and creams. They are mostly all bunk. Why not remove the cause of the dry skin instead of putting a band-aid on it every 4 hours?

I must say that treating symptoms rather than treating the cause is one of my biggest pet peeves. So easy to do and so many of us do not do it. WHY??? I guess we're programmed to find relief rather than resolution. Relief is faster than resolution most of the time. Us Yankees are so into making the short term buck for the least effort. Make a little more effort and gain further benefit.

Find resolution will ya?!

If one's diet lacks essential fatty acids such as flax oil, borage oil, primrose oil or fish oil, their skin will likely become dry and irritated. Add essential fatty acids to your diet.

If one's environment consists of harsh cleaners, solvents, alternating wet dry, chemicals or simply chlorine, dry skin may become an issue. Remove the environmental issues if possible.

Granted there are countless other nutrients for skin - such as vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc, biotin, proline, MSM et al - yet a major component of healthy skin can be achieved through consuming fish oil and using chlorine filters.

A great liquid fish oil that tastes lemony can be found in Carlson's Fish Oil. My son loves it and so do I - and that speaks volumes as I'm not much of a fish lover. If one prefers capsules, look for cold water fish oil capsules as they contain basically no heavy metals.

A shower chlori! ne filte r is a good idea as chlorine destroys proteins and strips oils from the body - inside and out. Ideally, one would also purchase filtered water or an in-home countertop drinking water filter.

I have been using the water filters by New Wave Enviro Products. The shower filter by New Wave Enviro has been in my home for about 6 years now. I love it and noticed a major difference in my scalp and especially after shaving. I don't get the super dry face anymore - in fact, I don't even use shaving cream anymore - just soap and water in the shower. My wife doesn't apply buckets of lotion anymore either after each shower. That drove me nuts - one more step before she was ready to get out the door.

The next few paragraphs are a bit of a tangent but are useful if you're considering a drinking water filter. If you have dry skin and the essential fatty acids and shower filter are not doing it, you may want to consider adding a drinking water filter to improve your skin and overall health.

There are numerous drinking water chlorine filters on the market. Things to look for are how much it costs to run them per gallon. If a unit initially costs only $20.00 that's great short term - however, if the filter has to be replaced every 2 months and costs $20 a pop, that adds up fast. If you become lazy and do not change the filter as recommended, you are causing more harm that good. Why? The filter begins to dump out what it has been filtering for the past 2 months plus bacteria begin to set up base camp. Ever notice that your filtered water has begun to taste funky??? Replace the filter.

If you're looking for a drinking water filter, consider the New Wave Enviro 10 Stage Premium Countertop Water Filter. This filter only costs an average of four cents per gallon and the filter has to be replaced only every 1500 gallons which is about a year for a family of four folks. The water tastes excellent coming out of there and it is a no brainer to set up. Many of my neighbors and fellow classmates are using it a! nd enjoy ing it. I've done my homework on this one and the customer service from New Wave is unmatched. A friend of mine had her filter clog up for some random reason in only 3 months of use - the company shipped her out a new filter right away. It likely was due to her house's water pipes being old and shedding sediment but New Wave didn't care. They wanted her happy.

Toss the Brita - it's bank and honestly is a garbage water filter. I had one of those for years. I got tired of the nasty taste.

To compare the major brand water filters, this website's water filter review seems pretty good. They do not have the New Wave Enviro filters there but they do offer about 10 others.

When our patient comes back, I will let you know how her dry skin is doing. It may be awhile but I'll remember to post her update.

Enjoy removing the cause of your dry skin! Applying lotion day after day month after month cannot be fun. It takes four weeks for a new healthy layer of skin to appear - only 4 weeks. So in 6 weeks you will likely be lotion free.

The shower filter benefits are noticeable in about 3 days - some people notice the difference after the first shower. Of course it depends on how much chlorine your city water has and how sensitive you are.

In health, Ben

Benjamin Lynch has a BS degree in Cell and Molecular Biology from the University of Washington. Currently, he is obtaining his doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University. Visit Ben's natural health product store, HealthE Goods where one can use our free health information service where one may ask specific health questions. We provide physician-grade non-prescription natural health products. Wholesale spa products are available to all that qualify. Do visit our Natural Health Information Center. We are here to help serve the public with proper health information and effective products. Products described in the article are available at HealthE Goods.


Acne Treatment And Dangers Of Prescribed Medications

Acne is induced from imbalances and impurities in the body, and that's why we treat the problem an internal cleansing course of action that goes right to the source and fights acne prior to it even begins. Most of the Acne treatment will bring antioxidants that can help eliminate the free radicals that are dangerous to skin and promote infections. It also fights inflammation, to reduce redness.

Practically everyone has to deal with acne from time to time. It's not because we eat hot foods or chocolate. It's not because we do not wash our face enough. In fact, cleaning too vigorously can produce acne worse! The basic of acne treatment with following immediate results that:

i ) Works for adults & teenagers distress from facial or body acne;

ii) Eliminates spots, pimples, redness, puss, blackheads & whiteheads;

iii) Natural acne medication formula with no side effects;

iv) Fast and effective acne cure from the inside out;

v) Dermatologist Recommended with Guaranteed Results;

vi) And it works to heal damaged skin, naturally.

Thousands of people from all across the globe suffer from this debilitating disorder, and just like you they've tried every single thing with little or even no results.

Dangers of prescribed medications for acne treatment:

i) Even though you will notice short term results;

ii) Produce you feel ill;

iii) Even more disturbing is that the FDA warns that can cause depression, liver damage and birth defects, along with an extended list of more possible side effects;

iv) Patients of this chemical prescription must be under a dermatologist's supervision for the 5-month course of coarse of action.

Choose wisely and know about danger of Acne prescribed medications.

Jasmine Yap

Find out more information about Acne Product -


Reducing Acne Naturally

Many of us have lived through it as teenagers and young adults...ACNE...the dreaded red pimples that always seem to multiply at the absolute worst times!

Before you run out and spend alot of money on over-the-counter and prescription drugs, let's take a look at some natural methods of reducing acne...

Here are some tips:

* Reduce your stress level.

Stress can cause acne. By reducing your stress levels, you can reduce your chances of acne outbreaks. Try doing yoga or any other relaxing techniques. It may not be an acne cure, but reducing stress will improve your general health.

* Don't wash your face too much.

Some people think that washing your face often will reduce the risk of getting acne. This is not the case. Washing your face too much can actually dry out your skin, leading to acne. When you do wash your face use only oil-free products.

* Be wary of cosmetics and hair products.

Clogged pores are a cause of acne. Some people who use cosmetics to cover acne can actually be making it worse. If you do use cosmetics, then you should only use cosmetics that don't clog the pores (noncomdomedogenic products).

* Be careful of what medications you are taking.

Some medications, like types of steroids, can cause acne. Consult your doctor about any medications you are taking.

* Wear loose clothing.

Many types of acne are caused by sweat, especially body and back acne. Tight clothes keep the sweat in contact with the skin, thus causing acne.

Disclaimer: This article is the opinion of the author and is strictly for informational (entertainment) purposes only and should not be used in the place of qualified professionals. If you apply any of the information in this article, you do so at your own risk. Always consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment of any medical condition

Dennis Hardy is a senior writer for For more articles from this author, visit http://www.Health-Article! s-Online .com


Asbestosis' true

Asbestosis is an asbetos-related disease and may be considered as an occupational disease too since the most cases occur among people who worked with asbestos or their families, but there are cases of people who developed it, without have been in contact with this mineral at any period of their lives.

Asbestosis may be defined as a chronic inflammatory medical condition that affects the parenchymal tissue of the lungs. Experts consider asbestosis as an irreversible lung scarring that can be fatal. It occurs after a long-term and a heavy exposure to asbestos.

Asbestos are six fibrous minerals that have been used in commercial products, such as roofing products, gaskets, and friction products, due to various properties that make asbestos have high tensile strength, chemical and thermal stability, high flexibility and low electrical conductivity.

These six types of asbestos are chrysotile, crocidolite, amosite, anthophyllite asbestos, tremolite asbestos, and actinolite asbestos. Nearly all of the asbestos produced worldwide is chrysotile.

When the person has inhaled or swallowed asbestos fibers, his body will try to remove them by the cough but the lungs will scar and get thick, what makes hard for lungs the breathing movements of expansion and contraction.

Therefore, people with Asbestosis suffer severe dyspnea or shortness of breath and have an increased risk for developing different types of lung cancer and mesothelioma. There is no cure for this pathology and either a good way to treat it. The only thing that physician can do is to reduce some of the worst symptoms of the disease.

Article written by the staff of a website edited by Hector Milla, if you want to read more articles about skin disorder diseases, feel free to visit, or wsib asbestos information, you can reprint this article in your website or ezine, always mentioning the author above and keeping a live link.


Snacking Fear Greed and the Gastric Bypass Tool

Do you remember nodding your head with understanding during your pre/post WLS seminar when the speaker said, ?Gastric bypass is only a tool, the rest is up to you.? I nodded my head to the nurse dietician as she spoke to the room of fresh-out-of-surgery gastric bypass patients. We thought we understood ?only a tool.?

But the words ?only a tool? are vague. It would be more accurate to tell new patients, ?I?m sending you back into the very world that made you fat. Nothing in your environment has changed. In fact, the only thing that has changed is you ? every external force that acted upon you 10-days ago is still out there. You are going to have to claw and fight your way in that same world resisting the habits and instincts that caused you to be obese in the first place. The only weapon you have is a little stomach and impaired absorption system ? this is the tool. You will still have emotional highs and lows, days of self-doubt and days of celebration. There will be food pushers, saboteurs and cheerleaders along the way, but the burden is on you to use the tool.?

?It?s only a tool.? Frankly, sometimes I get sick of hearing that and sick of saying it.

Financial planners say people manage their money with two emotions: fear and greed. They fear losing money or fear not having enough money. Greed manifests when they want more money or presume they never have enough money.

I suggest in many instances we use the same emotions to manage our eating behavior, before surgery, after surgery, regardless of the fact that we have ?the tool.?

Fear could be about wasting food, betraying friendships, damaging relationships. We fear the discomfort of stress, boredom or loneliness and manage those emotions with food. In addition, WLS patients are known to fear weight loss success because we?ve never really accomplished massive, lasting weight loss before ? success is an unknown place to be.

Greed could be about always wanting more, one more taste, one more bite, one more piece. Gree! d could be the frantic collection of a snacking-stash for ?just in case? moments when we really ?need? something fast. Greed results from ?worthiness? ? I have done my exercise so now I deserve a reward ? which often is a snack or treat.

By managing our emotions with fear and greed we caused, in part, our obesity and ultimately that led to morbid obesity. Given thoughtful contemplation I am certain we can list the fears and the greed that got us to the surgical table.

But what if fear and greed could work in our favor if we teamed them with ?the tool?? Would fear and greed, emotions we love and hate, be a good thing? Consider this:

What if I fear dumping/vomiting/weight gain if I eat Nutter-Butter cookies? Or popcorn? Or crackers? Or, or, or.

What if I fear the co-morbidity of Type II Diabetes returning if I engage in mindless snacking?

What if I fear the cruel things people will say (and they will say cruel things) if I regain my weight?

What if I fear having to buy bigger clothes because I?m snacking and regaining weight?

What if I fear having to return to the surgical table for a revision surgery because I couldn?t get a handle on my eating habits?

What if I?m greedy and want to live long and healthy to see my children and grandchildren grow-up?

What if I?m greedy and love the pleasure of active living that weight loss has given me?

What if I?m greedy and don?t want to spend money on prescription medicine for ailments I no longer suffer because I?ve lost weight?

What if I?m greedy and want to hear more compliments about how healthy and fit I look after achieving massive weight loss?

What if I?m greedy and unwilling to sell-my-soul to the guilt-monster for a lousy indulgence?

I?m going to spend a lot of time considering how I can make these emotions work for me because I?ve got to conquer this snacking habit before I?m doomed.

Kaye Bailey ? 2005 - All Rights Reserved

Kaye Bailey is a weight loss surgery success story havi! ng maint ained her health and goal weight for 5+ years. An award winning journalist, she is the author and webmaster of and

LivingAfterWLS is a no-nonsense resource for people Living After Weight Loss Surgery. Our community is growing in numbers even as we are shrinking in pounds. Together we support one another in this lifestyle, that it turns out, is NOT the easy way out.

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The Benefits of Home Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion treatments used to be known as the lunchtime peel. This short but effective anti aging skin procedure involved a visit to a dermatologist or cosmetician's office. Thanks to new technology you can now perform this costly procedure yourself at home by buying home microdermabrasion kits.

Professional microdermabrasion treatments involve the use of a tool that resembles a small blowtorch. This torch emits crystals on the surface of the skin and then gently polishes it. This polishing gets rid of the old exfoliated old skin cells and encourages new skin cells to grow. The stimulation to the smaller blood vessels in the facial skin is often immediately obvious because it brings a fresh baby pink glow to the face.

These exfoliating and polishing treatments for sun-damaged skin are very popular. Microdermabrasian involves removing the superficial damaged layers in a non-invasive ways. These skin layers look healthier and the thickness of the skin is improved. However microdermabrasion works best if you attend a series of treatments so that the cells have the constant opportunity to renew and rejuvenate themselves. If you have acne scars or severe damage, you need a session every two to three weeks to achieve a smoother, healthier skin texture.

Before the advent of home microdermabrasion kits, microdermabrasion was always performed in an office. Each treatment usually took thirty minutes to an hour and cost about a hundred dollars. Now thankfully several cosmetic companies are putting out their own versions of this procedures which you can do yourself at home. This is a boon to busy and budget conscious women and men as most of these home dermabrasion kits only cost between $25 and $60 and contain several treatments in one kit. This allows you to turn your bathroom into a high efficiency salon that you can visit at your leisure to polish your skin. This type of home microdermabrasian kit is also ideal for the slightly shy teenager who would rather try to take care of his! or her acne scars in private. Some microdermabrasian products promise results in about four weeks but of course this all depends on how often and how well you use the product.

Unlike the salons, these home microdermabrasian kits often contain creams or gels with small polishing granules. Some are thermogenic meaning the cream or gel heats up while it is on your face further stimulating your skin's circulation. Some kits also come with a battery operated skin polishers, which contain a slightly abrasive plastic pad to thoroughly scrub away dead skin cells and exfoliate the top layers of the skin.

Whether you are getting microdeermabrasion in a salon or using a home microdermabrasion kit it is quite common for the skin to suffer from some irritation and redness immediately after the treatment. This is due to the exfoliation of the skin, which eventually leads to the birth of new skin cells. These new skin cells will cause wrinkled skin to look plumper, dull skin to look more vibrant and skin with acne scars to appear less pitted. If you do suffer from mild skin irritation after a treatment then usually a mild anti-inflammatory painkiller such as Advil does the trick for relieving the discomfort.

For maximum results you should also avoid wearing make up for a few days after a treatment so that you don't hamper the renewal and healing of your newly abraded skin in any way.

If you have acne and are planning to use a home microdermabrasion kit you should be aware that these kits are not recommended to use in conjunction with Accutane, nor should you attempt microdermabrasion on your face if you have taken Accutane in the past six months. Skin that has been exposed to accutane is naturally thinner and redder and there is greater risk of injury if you abrade your skin in any way while you are taking this drug.

As microdermabrasion only removes the top superficial layers of the skin it is considered to be quite safe. Due to the fact that skin cells regenerate quickly any redness that do! es occur on your skin after using a microdermabrasion kit should clear up within an hour or two. Used correctly a microdermabrasion kit can save you the money you would normally spend repeatedly visiting a dermatologist, cosmetologist or plastic surgeon to get your skin resurfaced. However keep in mind that you will still need to do several treatments at home to achieve the same results that you would visiting a salon for several microdermabrasion sessions.

For more information on home microdermabrasion, visit


Glossery of Syptoms and Mental Illness Affecting Teenagers

Being a teenager is not easy. Adolescents feel all kinds of pressures ? to do well in school, to be popular with peers, to gain the approval of parents, to make the team, to be cool. In addition, many teenagers have other special problems. For example, they may worry about a parent being out of work or the family's financial problems.

Adolescents may be hurt or confused by their parents' divorce, or they may have to learn how to live with a parent's alcoholism or mental illness. Despite these pressures, it is important to remember that most teenagers develop into healthy adults.

Unfortunately, some teenagers develop serious emotional problems requiring professional help. This glossary of brief definitions was developed to help teenagers, parents, teachers, and others learn more about the major mental illnesses, symptoms, and mental health issues which affect teenagers. Please remember: All the problems described in the glossary are treatable and some can be prevented. In every case, the sooner a teenager gets help, the better.


Use and abuse of drugs and alcohol by teens is very common and can have serious consequences. In the 15-24 year age range, 50% of deaths (from accidents, homicides, suicides) involve alcohol or drug abuse. Drugs and alcohol also contribute to physical and sexual aggression such as assault or rape. Possible stages of teenage experience with alcohol and drugs include abstinence (non-use), experimentation, regular use (both recreational and compensatory for other problems), abuse, and dependency.

Repeated and regular recreational use can lead to other problems like anxiety and depression. Some teenagers regularly use drugs or alcohol to compensate for anxiety, depression, or a lack of positive social skills. Teen use of tobacco and alcohol should not be minimized because they can be gateway drugs for other drugs (marijuana, cocaine, hallucinogens, inhalants, and heroin). The combination of teenagers' curiosity, risk taking behav! ior, and social pressure make it very difficult to say no. This leads most teenagers to the questions: Will it hurt to try one?

A teenager with a family history of alcohol or drug abuse and a lack of pro-social skills can move rapidly from experimentation to patterns of serious abuse or dependency. Some other teenagers with no family history of abuse who experiment may also progress to abuse or dependency. Therefore, there is a good chance that one will hurt you. Teenagers with a family history of alcohol or drug abuse are particularly advised to abstain and not experiment. No one can predict for sure who will abuse or become dependent on drugs except to say the non-user never will.

Warning signs of teenage drug or alcohol abuse may include:

a drop in school performance,

a change in groups of friends,

delinquent behavior, and

deterioration in family relationships.

There may also be physical signs such as red eyes, a persistent cough, and change in eating and sleeping habits. Alcohol or drug dependency may include blackouts, withdrawal symptoms, and further problems in functioning at home, school, or work.


Anorexia Nervosa occurs when an adolescent refuses to maintain body weight at or above a minimal normal weight for age and height. The weight loss is usually self-imposed and is usually less than 85% of expected weight. The condition occurs most frequently in females, however, it can occur in males.

Generally, the teenager has an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat even though underweight. Self evaluation of body weight and shape may be distorted and there may be denial of the potential health hazards caused by the low body weight.

Physical symptoms can include:

absence of regular menstrual cycles

dry skin

low pulse rate, and

low blood pressure

Behavioral changes commonly occur such as:

social withdrawal


moodiness, and


Without treatment! , this d isorder can become chronic and with severe starvation, some teenagers may die.


Anxiety is the fearful anticipation of further danger or problems accompanied by an intense unpleasant feeling (dysphoria) or physical symptoms. Anxiety is not uncommon in children and adolescents. Anxiety in children may present as:

Separation Anxiety Disorder: Excessive anxiety concerning separation from home or from those to whom the child is attached. The youngster may develop excessive worrying to the point of being reluctant or refusing to go to school, being alone, or sleeping alone. Repeated nightmares and complaints of physical symptoms (such as headaches, stomach aches, nausea, or vomiting) may occur.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Excessive anxiety and worry about events or activities such as school. The child or adolescent has difficulty controlling worries. There may also be restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, and sleep difficulties. Panic Disorder: The presence of recurrent, unexpected panic attacks and persistent worries about having attacks. Panic Attack refers to the sudden onset of intense apprehension, fearfulness, or terror, often associated with feelings of impending doom.

There may also be shortness of breath, palpitations, chest pain or discomfort, choking or smothering sensations, and fear of going crazy or losing control. Phobias: Persistent, irrational fears of a specific object, activity, or situation (such as flying, heights, animals, receiving an injection, seeing blood). These intense fears cause the child or adolescent to avoid the object, activity, or situation.


ADHD is usually first diagnosed during the elementary school years. In some cases, symptoms continue into adolescence. A teenager with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder has problems with paying attention and concentration and/or with hyperactive and impulsive behavior. Despite good intentio! ns, a te enager may be unable to listen well, organize work, and follow directions. Cooperating in sports and games may be difficult. Acting before thinking can cause problems with parents, teachers, and friends. These teens may be restless, fidgety, and unable to sit still.

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder occurs more commonly in boys and symptoms are always present before the age of seven. Problems related to ADHD appear in multiple areas of a youngster?s life and can be very upsetting to the teen, his/her family, and people at school. Symptoms of ADHD frequently become less severe during the late teen years and in young adulthood.


Bipolar Disorder is a type of mood disorder with marked changes in mood between extreme elation or happiness and severe depression. The periods of elation are termed mania. During this phase, the teenager has an expansive or irritable mood, can become hyperactive and agitated, can get by with very little or no sleep, becomes excessively involved in multiple projects and activities, and has impaired judgment.

A teenager may indulge in risk taking behaviors, such as sexual promiscuity and anti-social behaviors. Some teenagers in a manic phase may develop psychotic symptoms (grandiose delusions and hallucinations). For a description of the depressive phase see depression. Bipolar disorder generally occurs before the age of 30 years and may first develop during adolescence.


Bulimia Nervosa occurs when an adolescent has repeated episodes of binge eating and purging. Binges are characterized by eating large quantities of food in a discrete period of time. The teen also has feelings of being unable to stop eating and loss of control over the amount of food being eaten. Usually, after binge eating, they attempt to prevent weight gain by self-induced vomiting, laxative use, diuretics, enemas, medications, fasting, or excessive exercise. These teen's self-esteem is strongly affected by wei! ght and body shape.

Serious medical problems can occur with Bulimia Nervosa (e.g. esophageal or gastric rupture, cardiac arrhythmias, kidney failure, and seizures). Other psychological problems such as depression, intense moods, and low self-esteem are common. Early diagnosis and treatment can improve outcome and decrease the risk of worsening depression, shame, and harmful weight fluctuations.


Teenager?s with conduct disorder have a repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which they violate the rights of others, or violate norms or rules that are appropriate to their age. Their conduct is more serious than the ordinary mischief and pranks of children and adolescents.

Severe difficulties at home, in school, and in the community are common, and frequently there is very early sexual activity. Self-esteem is usually low, although the adolescent may project an image of toughness. Teenagers with this disorder have also been described as delinquent or anti-social. Some teenagers with conduct disorder may also have symptoms of other psychiatric disorders (see ADHD, depression, alcohol and drug abuse).


Though the term depression can describe a normal human emotion, it also can refer to a psychiatric disorder. Depressive illness in children and adolescents includes a cluster of symptoms which have been present for at least two weeks.

In addition to feelings of sadness and/or irritability, a depressive illness includes several of the following:

Change of appetite with either significant weight loss (when not dieting) or weight gain

Change in sleeping patterns (such as trouble falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night, early morning awakening, or sleeping too much)

Loss of interest in activities formerly enjoyed

Loss of energy, fatigue, feeling slowed down for no

reason, burned out Feelings of guilt and self blame for things that are not one's fault

Inability to concentrate and indecisiveness

! Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness

Recurring thought of death and suicide, wishing to die, or attempting suicide Children and adolescents with depression may also have symptoms of irritability, grumpiness, and boredom. They may have vague, non-specific physical complaints (stomachaches, headaches, etc.). There is an increased incidence of depressive illness in the children of parents with significant depression.


Learning Disorders occur when the child or adolescent's reading, math, or writing skills are substantially below that expected for age, schooling, and level of intelligence. Approximately 5% of students in public schools in the United States are identified as having a learning disorder.

Students with learning disorders may become so frustrated with their performance in school that by adolescence they may feel like failures and want to drop out of school or may develop behavioral problems. Special testing is always required to make the diagnosis of a learning disorder and to develop appropriate remedial interventions. Learning disorders should be identified as early as possible during school years.


Teenagers with OCD have obsessions and/or compulsions. An obsession refers to recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses, or images that are intrusive and cause severe anxiety or distress. Compulsions refer to repetitive behaviors and rituals (like hand washing, hoarding, ordering, checking) or mental acts (like counting, repeating words silently, avoiding). The obsessions and compulsions also significantly interfere with the teen?s normal routine, academic functioning, usual social activities, or relationships.


Physical abuse occurs when a person responsible for a child or adolescent's welfare causes physical injury or harm to the child. Examples of abusive treatment of children include: hitting with an object, kicking, burning, scalding, punching, and threatening or attacking with wea! pons. Ch ildren and adolescents who have been abused may suffer from depression, anxiety, low selfesteem, inability to build trusting relationships, alcohol and drug abuse, learning impairments, and conduct disorder.


PTSD can occur when a teenager experiences a shocking, unexpected event that is outside the range of usual human experience. The trauma is usually so extreme that it can overwhelm their coping mechanisms and create intense feelings of fear and helplessness.

The traumatic event may be experienced by the individual directly (e.g. physical or sexual abuse, assault, rape, kidnaping, threatened death), by observation (witness of trauma to another person), or by learning about a trauma affecting a close relative or friend. Whether teens develop PTSD depends on a combination of their previous history, the severity of the traumatic event, and the amount of exposure.

Symptoms include:

Recurrent, intrusive, and distressing memories of the event Recurrent, distressing dreams of the event.

Acting or feeling as if the traumatic event were recurring Intense psychological distress when exposed to reminders of the traumatic event and consequent avoidance of those stimuli.

Numbing of general responsiveness (detachment, estrangement from others, decreased interest in significant activities) Persistent symptoms of increased arousal (irritability, sleep disturbances, poor concentration, hyper-vigilance, anxiety).


Psychotic disorders include severe mental disorders which are characterized by extreme impairment of a person's ability to think clearly, respond emotionally, communicate effectively, understand reality, and behave appropriately. Psychotic symptoms can be seen in teenagers with a number of serious mental illnesses, such as depression, bi-polar disorder (manic-depression), schizophrenia, and with some forms of drug and alcohol abuse. Psychotic symptoms interfere with a person?s daily functioning and can be q! uite deb ilitating. Psychotic symptoms include delusions and hallucinations.

Delusion: A false, fixed, odd, or unusual belief firmly held by the patient. The belief is not ordinarily accepted by other members of the person?s culture or subculture. There are delusions of paranoia (others are plotting against them), grandiose delusions (exaggerated ideas of one's importance or identity), and somatic delusions (a healthy person believing that he/she has a terminal illness).

Hallucination: A sensory perception (seeing, hearing, feeling, and smelling) in the absence of an outside stimulus. For example, with auditory hallucinations, the person hears voices when there is no one talking.


A psychotic disorder characterized by severe problems with a person?s thoughts, feelings, behavior, and use of words and language. Psychotic symptoms often include delusions and/or hallucinations. These delusions in schizophrenia are often paranoid and persecutory in nature.

Hallucinations are usually auditory and may include hearing voices speaking in the third person, as well as to each other, commenting on the patient's deeds and actions. Schizophrenia does not mean split personality. Most people develop schizophrenia before 30 years of age with some having their first episode in the teenage years.


Teenage sexual abuse occurs when an adolescent is used for gratification of an adult's sexual needs or desires. Severity of sexual abuse can range from fondling to forcible rape. The most common forms of sexual abuse encountered by girls include: exhibitionism, fondling, genital contact, masturbation, and vaginal, oral, or anal intercourse.

Boys may be sexually abused through fondling, mutual masturbation, fellatio, and anal intercourse. Adolescents who have been sexually abused may also suffer from depression, anxiety, PTSD, feelings of worthlessness and helplessness, learning impairments, and destructive behaviors.


Suicide is the third leading c! ause of death (behind accidents and homicides) for teenagers. Each year more than 5,000 U.S. teenagers commit suicide. The warning signs and risk factors associated with teen suicide include: depression, previous suicide attempts, recent losses, frequent thought about death, and the use of drugs or alcohol.

A teenager planning to commit suicide may also give verbal hints such as nothing matters, or I won't be a problem for you anymore. They may also give away favorite possessions or become suddenly cheerful after a long period of sadness.


Tourette's Syndrome is characterized by multiple motor tics and at least one vocal tic. A tic is a sudden, rapid movement of some of the muscles in the body that occurs over and over and doesn't serve any purpose. The location, frequency, and complexity of tics changes over time. Motor tics frequently involve the head, central body, legs, and arms.

They may result in simple movements such as eye blinking, or more complex movements such as touching and squatting. Vocal tics can include sounds such as grunts, barks, sniffs, snorts, coughs, and obscenities. Tourette's Syndrome is always diagnosed before the age of eighteen - most commonly appearing around seven years of age.

It occurs more often in males than females and symptoms are usually present for life. The severity of Tourette's varies a great deal over time, but improvement can occur during late adolescence and in adulthood. Teens with Tourette's Syndrome often have additional problems with obsessions, compulsions, hyperactivity, distractibility, and impulsiveness.

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They are calling Arthur Buchanan's methods of recovering from mental illness REVOLUTIONARY! (MEDICAL COLLEGE OF MICHIGAN) 'Arthur Buchanan has given us a revolutionary blue print for recovery in these uncertain times, when Mental Ill! ness at a all time high in the United States of America, yet if you follow this young mans methods, we assure you of positive results and I QUOTE 'If these methods are followed precisely, their is no way you can't see positive results with whatever illness you have' Dr. Herbert Palos Detroit, Michigan'

Listen to Arthur Buchanan on the Mike Litman Show!


With Much Love,

Arthur Buchanan


Out of Darkness & Into the Light

43 Oakwood Ave. Suite 1012

Huron Ohio, 44839

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