The Palliative Care Mind Set: How Toxic Is It To One's Health?

Most people I know don't want to die. Given the choice they would rather have a solution to their terminal illness than to give up on life.

Yes, I know that there are those have come to the point where they have accepted death as inevitable. By this I mean that they know it is coming and that they feel nothing can be done about it. This does not mean that this however is their preference.

Many people with terminal illnesses are shunted off to palliative care units when their physicians have little more to offer them. Interestingly at this point everyone, including the family, has given up on the patient, so to speak. It becomes a matter of keeping the patient comfortable until death arrives.

I would like to suggest that even at this stage, and certainly earlier, that a great deal more can be done to help give the family and the person hope for a healing cure. Once the family has given up its as if the life line for that individual is finally cut. This most often occurs when the physician prescribes the palliative strategy. The mind set of many traditional physicians is often very limited when it comes to considering effective alternative healing solutions so please don't let yourselves be hoodwinked by them!

It is known for instance that experiments have been done that reveal the effect of intercessory group prayer on the health of the patient. What is happening here? Well one can speculate that a form of energetic distance healing is occurring in which healing energy is supporting the individual.

In recent case studies I have done (see Some Evidence on How We Are Spiritually Connected) with a new modality called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) (MRP) I have been able to show that distance healing of emotional trauma can be demonstrated in a definitive and predictable fashion.

With MRP it is possible to heal distant friends and relatives of emotionally based trauma without them even being aware it is happening. This is possible because we share among ourselves common! histori cal information that ties us and our spiritual destiny together. Unfortunately this destiny is not always a desirable one.

With MRP individuals can effectively alter the destiny of the individuals in the group by releasing the common trauma that they share. This can be accomplished with a well defined algorithm that produces dramatic and instantaneous results for all involved.

How can this be adapted to the case of terminally ill individuals?

Well it is my view that all illnesses are supported i.e. effectively caused, by the historical information that we have stored in our consciousness, our minds & bodies and deep in our DNA. All of this historical information can be permanently released with MRP. By doing so the physical manifestations of such information will effectively cease to be present in that person's body.

For an example of this please see my article Reversing Macular Degeneration Without Drugs or Surgery.

Now back to palliative care. The mind set in palliative care units is that all hope has been exhausted and that the individuals sent there are almost certainly going to die. This mindset is in no way helpful to the patient. For this reason I consider such units to be toxic to anyone who wishes to go on living.

From an energy field standpoint (see my other articles on MRP and Energy Fields) this palliative mind set only serves to drain whatever little energy the individual still has for life i.e. it sucks the life out of them.

In this light palliative care units are in my view like death factories. Yes, I know that the individuals working there are well intentioned i.e. they ?care? about the comfort of the individuals in their care. Unfortunately however they, through their beliefs that these same individuals are going to die are doing them more harm than good without even realizing it.

To really help individuals before they even get to this point I strongly suggest that family members come together and arrange a series of group healing sessions! employi ng MRP. This course will not only support the key individual in health it will also go a long way in supporting all other members of the family.

Dr. Nick Arrizza is trained in Chemical Engineering, Business Management & Leadership, Medicine and Psychiatry. He is an Energy Psychiatrist, Healer, Key Note Speaker,Editor of a New Ezine Called Spirituality And Science (which is requesting high quality article submissions) Author of Esteem for the Self: A Manual for Personal Transformation (available in ebook format on his web site), Stress Management Coach, Peak Performance Coach & Energy Medicine Researcher, Specializes in Life and Executive Performance Coaching, is the Developer of a powerful new tool called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) that helps build physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being by helping to permanently release negative beliefs, emotions, perceptions and memories. He holds live workshops, international telephone coaching sessions and international teleconference workshops on Physical. Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Well Being.

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